Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning Ray,
Just catching the weather report before I head out the door. Looks like we both get some snow starting this time tomorrow.
We never catch up do we? When is the 440 going in? Jet me know in advance and I can give you a hand
I need to get the windshield in and run it around with the 225 to work out any bugs so far. Hoping early June.
I am jumping around two forums this morning so I will be on and off here.
I do that too. I have to go in early today. My truck is at my buddies shop and I think I may need it with the weather coming.
And the top is thawed and slick as...stuff and I tear up the yard if I try to do anything.
Morning everyone just driving thru. Have a final production meeting in the city today. Have a great day.