Stop in for a cup of coffee

you reminded me of one of my favorite movies. Now I have to watch it again after a long time.

Its a great movie

morning all.....almost 50 degrees and RAIN!!!!

I am going to have a Rani day for sure .....I love rain
I guess I need to rent that. Figure out how to change the power steering fluid yet? Curious if there is a procedure.
I guess I need to rent that. Figure out how to change the power steering fluid yet? Curious if there is a procedure.

not yet on the power steering ...I ended up not doing much car work yesterday and today looks like a lazy day. The rain stopped my bonfire plans this morning.

I ended up seeding the lawn and put down some fertilizer and did a lot of raking up leaves and debris which why I was fixin to have a bonfire this morning. .....FIRE!!!! LOL

Chicken run is a great movie....its not about you being old ....but more me being juvenile :???: I usually watch all the animated movies and G-rated stuff because of how my parents are. When I was a teen, they had rules about watching bad stuff on TV. They believe the world is bad enough so no need for me or the other foster kids to watch more of it on TV so only G-rated movies were allowed. :)
That is a good thing, there is some stuff on TV that blows my mind. First it is in color and second is that doohickey thing with the buttons, oh yea its a remote. I was the remote when I was younger for my parents!
speaking of movies ....the new version of Cinderella is out now.

I cant wait till summer.....there is a drive in relatively near. An original Drive in
We had a drive in up here but it closed last summer. It always had double features and it was reasonable. The back row always had Amish buggies there. Kind of funny it is the old blending with the new! Wish I had a picture of it.
We had a drive in up here but it closed last summer. It always had double features and it was reasonable. The back row always had Amish buggies there. Kind of funny it is the old blending with the new! Wish I had a picture of it.

they have added to the one here originally had one screen and now it has three.

They did away with the speakers you put on the window and now you get the sound through an FM channel which is a problem in the dart because I have a radio delete plate and even if I had a radio it would be an old I almost need to go in my dad's car or anything newer which kills the allure :pale:
The same thing at that one. I just goggled it and it closed due to not being able to go digital.
February 22, 2005 at 5:51 pm
The back row of the Sky-Vu is often used by the local Amish who come with their horse and buggies and listen to the sound on portable radios.
The same thing at that one. I just goggled it and it closed due to not being able to go digital.
February 22, 2005 at 5:51 pm
The back row of the Sky-Vu is often used by the local Amish who come with their horse and buggies and listen to the sound on portable radios.

I wouldn't think Amish peeps would have portable radios or be into movies .....but probably my own ignorance about a lesser known people to me. #-o

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It is different. There is a market we go to on Fridays and it has a large mix of Mennonite and Amish. You see the Amish texting. I think the technology rule with them is if it does not have hard wired electricity it is ok to use. I see them at Wal-Mart bringing TV's out and in the buggy! To tell you the truth they are way more prepared for a crisis than most.
It is different. There is a market we go to on Fridays and it has a large mix of Mennonite and Amish. You see the Amish texting. I think the technology rule with them is if it does not have hard wired electricity it is ok to use. I see them at Wal-Mart bringing TV's out and in the buggy! To tell you the truth they are way more prepared for a crisis than most.

You said a mouth full there Hops :coffee2: They are :glasses7:

Good morning folks, Looks like a dry day and high of 50, can't wait for Saturday morning :blob:
Bacon is done. It just seems like forever because of the aroma! I wonder if there is a bacon smelling air freshener
Why does bacon seem to take forever to cook?

Morning Mike!

My kids keep asking to try that new Domino's pizza with the bacon wrapped crust.... We're gonna try it in a day or two, just had Fox's Pub pizza last night and Pizza Pete on Monday - discount days....

How can you go wrong with bacon in the crust???? Mmmm, Bacon....

Morning all, Cold and rain mixed with a little snow here today. Good drink coffee and stay inside day.