Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mitch...Ray Good Morning Boys! I was out admiring the new snow and am waiting for my coffee to brew.
No snow here. Just rain. I think I'm too far south to get snow this time.
Been busy in the shop this week. Had more jobs to do this week than I've had in the last month. I'ts either feast or famine, as the say.
Been busy myself. More then I want to be. Finished up a project yesterday. Was asked to get involved in another this summer. Told them no thanks.
Morning all. Just starting to snow here! High 50's tomorrow, what the heck!
Been busy in the shop this week. Had more jobs to do this week than I've had in the last month. I'ts either feast or famine, as the say.

weird how that works ........I did a CV shaft job last evening and I thought it was going to take awhile but it didn't fight me at all ....bolt on ball joint ......the impact handled the big nut (usually I have to jump on a cheater bar) and a pry bar and big screwdriver popped the transmission side out soooo easy ....quickest money I have made in a long time.


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I remember doing the joints themselves on a Toranado before you could get rebuilt shafts. What a dirty job that was.
weird how that works ........I did a CV shaft job last evening and I thought it was going to take awhile but it didn't fight me at all ....bolt on ball joint ......the impact handled the big nut (usually I have to jump on a cheater bar) and a pry bar and big screwdriver popped the transmission side out soooo easy ....quickest money I have made in a long time.

Niiice !! I like the gravy jobs best of course. You know, Brakes, Shocks/ Struts. Minor tune ups, Etc. If some one brings me a complicated job or maybe an engine R&R , or a front wheel drive transmission replace, I send them to to see one of my old customers from my Auto Parts days. I don't want the headaches, and I don't really need the money. Just trying to stay busy in retirement and make some extra Golf and Beer money. :blob:
I remember doing the joints themselves on a Toranado before you could get rebuilt shafts. What a dirty job that was.

Not only that , but they were very expensive. We used to sell all that stuff to rebuild axels when front drive axles came on the scene. One joint repair kit could cost as much as $150, and that was per end of axle. Today, they don't even sell rebuilt ones . And new axels are as cheap as $45. Go figure !! Just like computers and electronics. Prices get cheaper as the market gets flooded,
I remember doing the joints themselves on a Toranado before you could get rebuilt shafts. What a dirty job that was.

yea this was a dirty job because the boot is torn and its been flinging grease through the wheel well for the last 500 miles
Just trying to stay busy in retirement and make some extra Golf and Beer money. :blob:

That's why I do the Hops. Usually with the hops the homebrew is traded for product. I have had the FedEx guy show up with cases of homebrew from Alaska! Some is good some is really bad though.The owner of a brew forum that I advertise just worked a deal with me to supply his home brew store that he just opened in TX with roots and hops in the fall. I will get free banners and I will be his exclusive Rhizome supplier! Sweet deal for me.
Rani, Nice mod post! How do you come up with this stuff you don't even drink! Love it
Rani, Nice mod post! How do you come up with this stuff you don't even drink! Love it

if I did drink I would probably scare myself........I don't know where my weirdness comes from ....probably too many hours on the farm with no to talk to except the cows. :???:
Thanks for making me laugh this morning Rani.