Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got up a 6AM to my 4 legged, furry alarm. All she seems to want is food, water, out or in, and a place on the sofa in my office to sleep away the night and most of the day. What a life.

Cup #4 coming up.

Mine got me up at 4:30 and asked to go out... Then asks to go out a little later.. Then tried to get me to go in the kitchen for a snack.... (He usually gets a few bites of whatever I eat, so he tries to get me to eat more often so he can get his "cut"....).

So I gave him a strawberry and told him that's all he's getting and went back to bed...
morning all, working on my third cup. Should be a nice day today, calling for mid 60s.


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Hey Mike! Check out Home brew talk yet? They added a new section for beginners. It is pretty informative. I just set up advertising on there yesterday in exchange for some Rhizomes! Love hops, kind of like a brewers bitcoin!
Mornin. No coffee for me for a while. Eileen has us signed up for a topiary class late morning. Now I get to clean out the 7 plus inches of snow from yesterday out of the driveway. Spring is here!
Morning Ray. Wow I am surprised you got that much. We had maybe 3 or so.

Happy Spring and the spring has sprung!
Yep. Most snow all year. Sent in a pick to local news who claim we only got 3-4. Waiting for a response.
I just turned the light on outside and it looks like most melted here last night. I am always amazed how weather can be different 1oo yards away. Hawaii was like that one turn and you went from rain forest to a dry desert like environment.
I see Stans auction is almost over. Someone needs to bid on MeMikes beard trimmer. LOL
I thought I had that one locked! Dam dartanabout did it to me again egh? I need a beard trimmer, I am looking homeless lately! Need a haircut also!