Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's a great idea. "ol No.7" It is a great old truck. Solid but the /6 has it's issues. I have a 383 I thought of dropping in. I thought of painting it but you know I like him as he is. I do want to put some new latches with locks on.
If you want a six when or if I ever get the 440 in give me a hand and it is yours if you want it.
My neighbor continually complains that his son has all this money ($12,000) into Hops and hasn't made anything off of them. Could that be true. He is a lazy kid maybe thats it. 27 year old spoiled rich kid
any chance it's squirrel something hops? I heard some one up there has a field. 12K is easy to do.
Darn Karl don't be so cheap give him a full one not one of your empty's who knows what he will pick up! LMAO
I hate to tell you what I do with the tractor in the spring before sharpening the blades. Reminds me of a wood chipper! 23 HP of pure dangerous.
Squirrel got his name because he would get someone to distract a squirrel while he climbed the tree and grab the squirrel with his hands. I didn't see him do it but was told by a couple of his friends that they had witnessed it. I think they must have been drinking.
Do we want to know, or is this something that you should keep private??? LOL!!! :wack:

There are three types of blades. Sharp, Dull and tickle. Figure it out, no you cannot borrow the tractor cause it has cruse control! Really does
Here's a few shots of my uncle's new dog with an empty beer bottle. He just picked it up off the porch while we were talking and casually walked away with it...

He's a 9 month old German Shephard. Look at how big his paws are....

I just met the dog, so I don't think that I know him well enough to try to take it away from him...

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Nice Shephard there !!
Here is my best hunting buddy Gunner


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Well behaved also. Keith and I met him. See what you missed! You should have called in sick!