Stop in for a cup of coffee

Now for something spit your coffee out funny!
Still vacationing are you?
Yeah. Been banned from the beach the last two days though, severe storms right off the coast with lots of lightning has the beaches closed. So it’s been shopping and sitting in the hotel. We leave in an hr though. Heading back thru the mountains for the weekend
The NWS map isn't covered with catastrophic warnings today :eek: What's up wit dat? Unless you consider the creosote in the Nevada desert burning a catastrophe :lol:
Have a safe trip back to the rancho :thumbsup:

Yeah. Been banned from the beach the last two days though, severe storms right off the coast with lots of lightning has the beaches closed. So it’s been shopping and sitting in the hotel. We leave in an hr though. Heading back thru the mountains for the weekend
Yeah. Been banned from the beach the last two days though, severe storms right off the coast with lots of lightning has the beaches closed. So it’s been shopping and sitting in the hotel. We leave in an hr though. Heading back thru the mountains for the weekend

wow that sounds like something new, I have not heard of beaches being closed due to lightning. Well Chris at least your wife is satisfied now. We've had good beach weather here, thank God because hotel guests would snap if they cooped up. Paying $800/night and NO maid service. They say it is because of safety but really I think they don't have any staff. And, with "safety" being the reason they tell the guests, that means we all have to wear masks all the time.

Cases are up in SC but they are mostly upstate and elderly, not saying that's "good" but at least it is not spreading...
It’s not bad, done it in the Jeep twice
Took them up old Pacific Coast Highway. 2 lane and twisty from 40 miles from here to Frisco. Beautiful Scenery, fun drive. They went to sleep as soon as we left Morro Bay and didn't wake until Monterey :BangHead:. Through Napa Valley on the way to the Sierras, same same. :lol:
Start up computer, it updated. Now its something short of a brick. Gies through the motions, then acts up and stalls. Go to restore and it does nothing.
Guess windows is getting even, for me mentioning beating a programmer to death with this laptop.
Start up computer, it updated. Now its something short of a brick. Gies through the motions, then acts up and stalls. Go to restore and it does nothing.
Guess windows is getting even, for me mentioning beating a programmer to death with this laptop.
I had to run cleanup including system files on my laptop this morning to get it functional. Was super slow. Phone ain't much better. Phone may have just been internet/wifi problem. Computer didn’t even Get that far before it started choking. Both are at least a little bit better now