Stop in for a cup of coffee

Drop Bolt.jpg
Cal Fire is either behind in their updates or that map is being a little imaginative. Cal Fire map can't be copied by my hardware.

PS .. According to CBS News, we have the state of Rhode Island on fire here.
Couple of those started with that thunderstorm system that blew past here Tuesday.
One at 300K acres another at 200K.
The bigun is in @MomsDuster turf.
The other right next to Silicon Valley.
Good Morning folks, evacuation orders have been lifted in the area. Still lots of smoke. Lot of folks lost everything, some even their lives. Sad for sure. On a different note, my son rear ended someone who then hit someone else. Totaling his car. He’s ok, but he/we only have liability on his car (due to poor choices and his driving record). The car is in my name and so was the insurance with him as a driver of it. This is going to hurt $$. Trying to see the good that least no one was hurt. Now he’ll have to get his own ride and insurance. Hope this will serve as a lesson to him. Rant over.... Everyone have a great day!
Good Morning folks, evacuation orders have been lifted in the area. Still lots of smoke. Lot of folks lost everything, some even their lives. Sad for sure. On a different note, my son rear ended someone who then hit someone else. Totaling his car. He’s ok, but he/we only have liability on his car (due to poor choices and his driving record). The car is in my name and so was the insurance with him as a driver of it. This is going to hurt $$. Trying to see the good that least no one was hurt. Now he’ll have to get his own ride and insurance. Hope this will serve as a lesson to him. Rant over.... Everyone have a great day!
That sucks.
My daughter wrecked 3 vehicles since she started driving. She needs a vehicle to get to work, so i let her use the pt cruiser. Basically said its my car,and not so much as a scrarch on it. Or she be walkin. her job requires her to drive a company vehicle,and had been crash free for a year.
Morning. thunderstorms all day from the look of the forecast.
farmers just started harvest, wheat was looking pretty good. Hope this doesent shut them down for too long. Last year it started raining late september and continued until it snowed.
I have always made my kids have their own insurance, and pay/do their own repairs. Figure that way they appreciate it more. Yes I got them their first car though to get them started.
all the corn here is pretty stunted usually around 5' by now only 3' if it is lucky. Hopefully we get a few showers this weekend, it will help.
I have always made my kids have their own insurance, and pay/do their own repairs. Figure that way they appreciate it more. Yes I got them their first car though to get them started.
Good plan.
I cant get her to cough up 30 bucks to cover the cost of an oil change.
My wife hasnt spent one red cent in 30 years plus maintaining or repairing her vehicles. Not one penny. Actually i bought them all too. insurance and gas. Thats all she pays for.
daughter thinks that same way.
Good Morning folks, evacuation orders have been lifted in the area. Still lots of smoke. Lot of folks lost everything, some even their lives. Sad for sure. On a different note, my son rear ended someone who then hit someone else. Totaling his car. He’s ok, but he/we only have liability on his car (due to poor choices and his driving record). The car is in my name and so was the insurance with him as a driver of it. This is going to hurt $$. Trying to see the good that least no one was hurt. Now he’ll have to get his own ride and insurance. Hope this will serve as a lesson to him. Rant over.... Everyone have a great day!
It was that way or no car. I did let them use my Cobalt 5 speed to learn on and their road test, both nailed it first time. Now they can drive anything. Was pretty funny Danny (daughter) always had stick cars till last year. She would beg to take my car for a ride just to drive a stick! She just picked up a 2009 Cobalt commuter with a 5 speed. Loving life.
Morning all. Sitting her at TMM’s car show watching it rain. Suppose to stop in an hour or so. Ugh!!
Good Morning folks, evacuation orders have been lifted in the area. Still lots of smoke. Lot of folks lost everything, some even their lives. Sad for sure. On a different note, my son rear ended someone who then hit someone else. Totaling his car. He’s ok, but he/we only have liability on his car (due to poor choices and his driving record). The car is in my name and so was the insurance with him as a driver of it. This is going to hurt $$. Trying to see the good that least no one was hurt. Now he’ll have to get his own ride and insurance. Hope this will serve as a lesson to him. Rant over.... Everyone have a great day!

Glad the fires warnings have been taken down...

Sad about the people who lost everything and the ones that died....

Bummer about the kid getting in the accident without full insurance coverage...

My son was one ticket away from the insurance company dropping him once, and I made him park the hot rod for 3 years while his driving record cleaned up because the insurance company tried to mark up his insurance $3000 for 6 months.... He had to drive a slow *** daily driver for 3 years until he cleared up his driving record... He's doing much better now...
Morning all. Sitting her at TMM’s car show watching it rain. Suppose to stop in an hour or so. Ugh!!

Why did you go to the show so early if it's raining??? Stay at the hotel and sleep in until the rain stops.... :realcrazy:
Power keeps kicking off, now the wifi needs to be re-initiated.
We getting it good now
Good morning, had A thunder storm rolled through last night. The farmer next to me got his alfalfa all bundled up and off the fields just in time. Craig you probably need the rest after last night
Morning all. Sitting her at TMM’s car show watching it rain. Suppose to stop in an hour or so. Ugh!!
Good morning. Chance of storms here today and tomorrow. But not likely to amount to much water. I thinkwe have actually got enough overall. But the way it cycled was not a good year for the garden. Plants got huge then didn't produce much. I did get some nice canaloups. Picked 4. One rotted and one still on. The real winner was one 'grape' tomato plant. Produced 100’s of these. Been eatin them for over a month. Lol.

Black spotted dogs matter!

It's my favorite breed...

I've been around Dalmatians since I was born - literally... When I came from the hospital, there was already one Dalmatian in our house... She became my best friend growing up....

Until now, there's been a Dalmatian in our family since 1948...

(I need to get me another one...)