Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here are some cool race pix and the trophy table from the show. The trophy’s were over the top cool.






Thanks John. It was white knuckle for a while there through the rain and the vote tally. Next year we will have divisions to make it more fair. Joe and I have been talking most of the day about next year's show. I am so glad you took trophy pics. I didn't. Thanks for the Glen Fargo. I shared it with the group with very positive responses. I still have over half left. Special occasions only.
Craig, John and I all had a great time. We really appreciated you taking the time for us. We watched you get pulled in about a million directions at once, non stop, all honking day. I am sure you and your crew were all super critical of your event during your post event critique, but I can tell you, as an outsider it went pretty smooth. Everything was laid out and your staff were all helpful and cheerful even tho there was not anyone with dry feet for fifty miles. Holy smokes that was a lot of rain. They were all game, all day. To continue being upbeat in that environment really shows you the quality of your staff. Well done good Sir.
Craig, John and I all had a great time. We really appreciated you taking the time for us. We watched you get pulled in about a million directions at once, non stop, all honking day. I am sure you and your crew were all super critical of your event during your post event critique, but I can tell you, as an outsider it went pretty smooth. Everything was laid out and your staff were all helpful and cheerful even tho there was not anyone with dry feet for fifty miles. Holy smokes that was a lot of rain. They were all game, all day. To continue being upbeat in that environment really shows you the quality of your staff. Well done good Sir.
Not bad for starting all this in July. We had initial plans but the strip wasn't officially opened because of the mandatory state Covid-19 shutdown.
These look faster in person. The Barracuda is Ed Fox a North Iowa Mopar member and "intimidator" here on FABO. He beat Steve Harvey . Steve is a hard charger here that runs low 9's at 160+ on the juice. I need to edit the video.
@Sublime one Just a little something to get your heart thumpin' I didn't take may photos or vids.

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Politics sucks. Good thing we don't talk about that stuff here. Oops, I do that every now and then. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::rofl:
Sorry guys, I don't need to butt heads with a political nature here. Either I have been here too long or have been away too long. LOL carry on fellas. Speaking of which, or lack of, has Rainy been around lately?
Sorry guys, I don't need to butt heads with a political nature here. Either I have been here too long or have been away too long. LOL carry on fellas. Speaking of which, or lack of, has Rainy been around lately?
no, shes been on her own threads.
Well, the wife and I have been really busy these last few weeks. Prepping for lifes next adventure. We completed our sailing certifications and gained new skills as well as advanced others. It was a grueling 3 days of sailing pretty much from sun up to sun down. We sailed on big water out on Lake Superior. I didnt have much time to snap pictures of the experience but here are a few I took.
