Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I totally ate it at work yesterday, right at end of the day. I stepped off of a concrete landing outside a little communications room, tools/materials in my hand and there's a drop, probably 10-12 inches down, stepped on the edge of the slab, lost my balance and *** over tea kettle I went. I did a barrel roll across a table we had removed from the small room and placed outside, I probably ended up 10 feet from where I started the "old guy fall". Luckily didn't break anything, my co-worker said "You showed that table who was boss" lol! I'm going to talk to the plants supervisor and ask him to bring up the grade with more gravel around that landing.

Just getting moving. Guess I jinxed myself by responding toFranks post about leg cramps. Woke up at 2am and my right inner thigh locked up. Wouldn't let go for like 10 minutes. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
Tough choice to make. Been there Done that. Got about 32 T-shirts. In the long run it worked out well. One of those choices that life just throws up in our faces to make. He'll make the right choice and do well with it. :thumbsup:
For me, 6 years ago oct 7 i walked out of a good paying govt job and went home. Been my own boss ever since. No regrets.
Guess I will go poke around at my pressure washer a bit. Probably won't waste much time with it today though. Want to clean up the boards left from the shed (find a home for them not laying in the yard, lol) and start re organizing inside it.
Just getting moving. Guess I jinxed myself by responding toFranks post about leg cramps. Woke up at 2am and my right inner thigh locked up. Wouldn't let go for like 10 minutes. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
Drank a bottle of water and took 2 tylenol before bed. I was hurting. Got a decent night sleep and today is much better. Its a pretty easy day today, i may hide and relax after work is finished.
For me, 6 years ago oct 7 i walked out of a good paying govt job and went home. Been my own boss ever since. No regrets.

My barber puts out a drink tray between Thanksgiving and New Year...

You get to mix yourself a drink while you wait and then while they cut your hair... A variety of booze and mixers... I usually get whiskey and sprite...

I try to time my haircut to be in the holidays so I can get my drink...
The Post Office has lost my window roller kit, I ordered for the GTS. Tracking says I picked it up at the PO two days ago...WTF ????:mob::mob::soapbox::soapbox::wtf::wtf: