Stop in for a cup of coffee

My truck, with car trailer, with the monte on it, truck loaded with all that weight, bet it was close to 10 toms......
I know my 99 topped the scales at 8400 with me in it and a full tank. So I’m guessing even with the aluminum, you’ve gotta at least be in that neighborhood truck wise. Probably another 2k in the trailer empty, 3500ish in that car. 680 in the hemi, probably that in that air compressor and spot welder and 50 cans of beer. Yeah, had to be easily pushing 15-17000 pounds I’d guess
Ill try and Get pictures of the road at dusk tomorrow. If you have ever seen the legend of sleepy hollow movies or cartoon, i swear they used this road as the basis for that legend. It cuts thru the bottoms and the woods. Very very thick tree cover, and goes down between the hills.

back in the mid 1860s, there was an old mill there. They ran slaves and had a big two story slave house right off that road. According to county historical society, the owner locked all his slaves in that house and burnt it down when the Emancipation proclamation was issued that freed the slaves. The county sheriff would end up hanging that guy after trial found him guilty of mass murder.

then, just down the road from us on the other side of the hill by the interstate is where the first ever train robbery in the United States, and world for that matter, took place by the infamous Reno gang.

to the west of us about two miles is the farthest known confederate camp during the civil war and General Sherman’s campaign into Indiana.
Pretty cool history!
Just a tiny bit north of Ramie. Can treat you to some mopar scenery if you have a extra day. Aprox 150 Mopars lots of old motorcycles and more toys and do-dads than you could imagine
Ramie just sparked a road trip plan for me. Gonna find a few days soon to make the 'Ben meets FABO' power tour.. Need to pick up parts at Ramie's. Maybe I can figure out how to catch some of you guys along way. Shake a few hands. Have a few beverages.. Thinking who all is in the general vicinity..

@toolmanmike @Sublime one @Tooljunkie @krazykuda

Who else am I missing?
So vinyl plank flooring has strands of fiberglass in it. Got all kinds of irritation in my hands. Nice that it isnt mentioned in the instructions. Wait,there wasnt even instructions. By guess and by golly,but i got er dun! Looks pretty good if i do say so myself.
Dam walls werent square, just adds to the cahallenge.
So vinyl plank flooring has strands of fiberglass in it. Got all kinds of irritation in my hands. Nice that it isnt mentioned in the instructions. Wait,there wasnt even instructions. By guess and by golly,but i got er dun! Looks pretty good if i do say so myself.
Dam walls werent square, just adds to the cahallenge.

Did you have to saw cut it? The flooring job I did last year I only saw cut any details. Straight cuts I scored with a utility knife and snapped it apart.
Walls are never as square as you think. Try doing a continues floor through entire floor of a house. Living room, dining, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, closets... I did end up with a few transitions, but it was all parallel.
Well it could have been worse. Where I’m at, still has several roads that are dirt and gravel. I have seen the GPS try to take people that way and it end badly. Semis especially get into trouble.

one of them roads is haunted too. Weird things happen to vehicles out there. Night or day, don’t matter. Had a friend get killed on that road. Brakes failed on a 7 month old car, line blew out as he was approaching the 90 degree twin curves, rolled, got knocked out and ended up upside down and drowned in the ditch

We have some haunted places around here also...

I'm midway between Ressurection Mary Cemetary and Bachelor's Grove Cemetary... Well known on the list of top haunted places in IL...
Did you have to saw cut it? The flooring job I did last year I only saw cut any details. Straight cuts I scored with a utility knife and snapped it apart.
Walls are never as square as you think. Try doing a continues floor through entire floor of a house. Living room, dining, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, closets... I did end up with a few transitions, but it was all parallel.
Used a jigsaw clamped upside down in my workmate. Works slick. Yes, i bought a utility knife with 1” blade for scoring. And the walls are crooked too. Had to do some trimming to close the gaps. Last piece at door jamb took an hour.
Morning coffee drinkers.
Been wanting to take the Barracuda for a drive, but been so busy this week I haven't gotten it done.
Well today is the day!!
Well Good Morning - Happy Friday. Got my truck fixed last night. Tail lights' issue was the quick connect. Was happy, so I decided to try and make the Charger a roller. Pulled the hubs/drums (with help of a couple pry bars and a sledge hammer) and thru on some different rims/tires. Fronts roll. At work til 10ish, then will work on the rears. Hope to get it to roll so I can get some 1x1 tubing in for bracing the whole car up.