Stop in for a cup of coffee

How about a million dollar bill??? :D

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Here you go Karl, make your own.

Back in the day, Those large bills were the ones the Carnival owner stashed away...... Still out there and they sell one every so often. Hidden from the IRS.
Didnt get as warm as weatherman promised. Did some reading on this and that, and promptly got totally sidetracked. Lost interest in doing anything at all. Just as well i needed a rest.
spent my day dealing with work IT... jesus christ, how do these people have a job. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
While relaxing i decided to go on a quest for a workshop manual for my nissan. Waded through endless dead ends and useless websites. Finally! Found a free download that worked. Now i can diagnose the faulty gas gauge. looks like a bad ground somewhere. With my spare senders i can test without opening fuel tank again.
Holee! Browsing manual, 1500 pages just for engine management!
Cant wait to find torque spec for rear wheel bearings,as i never found a definitive answer when i searched last year, gave up and cranked it down to 180.
Current satellite image on the NSSL webpage of the hurricane...

One of these days a director and cameraman are gonna get thumped by some 70' palm tree and they'll rethink dramatizing that s&#t
It already happened a while back. Didn’t change a thing. Camera even recorded their final breathes
Evening men, what's the topic.

@dukeboy_318 nice avatar, you ready to morph!!
Funny part is.... it’s for my sons Halloween costume. But the thing is HUGE. I put helmet pads in it from a bike Helmet and it’s still big on me and my head is huge (que Karl). No idea how this fits on a 4 yr old
Nothing smells more luxurious than a fresh bar of lava. I like that smell, best smell in the world, except for 90W gear oil.

Heavy rains and 60-70 mph gusts under that guck I bet TWC TV has some idjit standin' out in those winds up to his knees in water waitin' to git drowned :BangHead:

How come every time there is a major weather event, the meteorologist has to go to the scene and stand outside in the rough weather??? :wtf:

Of all people who should know better than to stand out in a major storm, they should... :realcrazy:

"Hi, I'm Wally Walters standing outside in the storm and I just got hit in the head with a flying 2x4".... :BangHead: :wtf: