Stop in for a cup of coffee

I figure it would work good in the field during harvest when I cut the bines from the trellis system.

Should work well. If I had bought it it would just have been on display with most of my other carving tools.
Rani has been taking a lot of abuse lately...I for one hopes she doesn't leave. The post she did about the definition of a redneck showed her intelligence. But the thumbs was funny.
If you can't get a laugh out of reading the threads on FABO you need some serious help! There are some funny people on here.
She is definitely in the top 10 of the smartest people I know. Everyone does a post like that at some time. I have had my share.
Rani has been taking a lot of abuse lately...I for one hopes she doesn't leave. The post she did about the definition of a redneck showed her intelligence. But the thumbs was funny.

Na she's been hear long enough to know when were just teasing her. I hope.
I sure am not used to these daylight hours yet. Last night it did not get dark until 9 or so.
Time for me to go....Boy there are days I hate to go to work. TODAY IS ONE OF THEM! Have a good day everyone.
On a different subject. I noticed some last minute bidding on a few items. E Bay fashion. Feel bad for the members who didn't have a chance to counter offer. He'll they may not even know yet. All this time I thought the purpose was to raise money. Not score a prize. Well rants over. You guys have a good day.
I caught that also. Still a chunk of money though. Ray do you want me to send the 6 gas line to you? I am not sure if you want it or not.
I caught that also. Still a chunk of money though. Ray do you want me to send the 6 gas line to you? I am not sure if you want it or not.

No thanks. I had posted originally I didn't want any of the 2 dollar bid items if they stood. I was just trying to draw attention, that's why I think C blue highlighted them. I'll just send the money for those items to Stan, but thanks for offering.
I have to take a commercial break and get 300" of hop twine for a customer. I think I will be back it is an addiction I guess?
Goood morning you guys move quick ....a couple pages to catch up on already