Stop in for a cup of coffee

Worse, it's in our hometown, in front of all of our peers!!! Yikes!! But I told all of the kids if they tried out I would too! If any one of us gets a part, we have to go through with the commitment even if nobody else gets a part!! They're all up for it!! Just trying to keep them busy having fun that isn't computer orientated!! Geof

This is cool, a big lesson in life to try new things.
Morning all. Should be a warm day here today 20's. First cup gone going for a second one!
Mornin, second cup down, time to jump in the truck, off to pueblo CO.
Hello... on my third cup and already planning the fourth. lol Not much to do today, a meeting with my accountant, a trip to Publix, and then on to the Guitar Center.

That's about it.
Good Morning you all. I'm half way through my first cup and catching up here and on Facebook. I filled the dishwasher and filled the humidifier. I took out a bag of trash too. Dang, I'm tired now. LOL Enjoy your coffee and your day. tmm
Two cups down looks like we are going to have a fairly nice day here when and if the fog burns off. Have some new plug wires, heat shields and biillit wire holders order that should be in today.
About time to go make breakfeast, have a good day everyone!
Third cup, the high today will bee 33 degrees. . Looking forward to The weekend becouse the sun is going to pop out and temperature is looking great, everyone have a good day and enjoy it your way .
Morning all. Three glasses down. Gotta have my apprentice redo a valve cover gasket on this BMW were working on. Sometimes these young men get in a hurry and don't check behind themselves like they should. Good kid though, only 20. Then onto setting up for some welding on the GTS. Have a good day all !!
Morning all, been up a while, finishing the last lukewarm sips, broke a molar last night, off to give my dentist enough for a round of golf and fancy dinner for him and his buddies...:banghead:
Morning all, been up a while, finishing the last lukewarm sips, broke a molar last night, off to give my dentist enough for a round of golf and fancy dinner for him and his buddies...:banghead:

17 degrees here this morn., 4th mug, don`t mess w/ cups.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Morning all. First cup half full. Received an oem gas tank locking ring for the dart, Hopefully I can get it in today to stop the gas weep so I can finish the welding for the hoses and cables mounts for the rear disks on the dart. Cosgig, how did the auditions go? Do we now have a star with us?
Morning all. Brewing up a few cups as we speak. The forecast shows a warming trend. Temps in the 20's. Better than 20 below. LOL President O Bummer is due in town this afternoon talking about high speed internet.
Morning all. Brewing up a few cups as we speak. The forecast shows a warming trend. Temps in the 20's. Better than 20 below. LOL President O Bummer is due in town this afternoon talking about high speed internet.

He should bring Al Gore with him. After all, he did invent the internet.
So you guys caught me! Sitting here with a cup checking in before I head out to the shop.
Morning all, The first cup is gone, working on the second trying to plan out the day (why I bother I do not know it always changes!) The wife's fire chicken is done at the upholsterer he put in a new rear window panel, had to change the whole panel not just the glass. Hopefully I can put in the new oem tank sending unit rings today to stop a gas weep on the dart. Going to be like summer here around 31 so maybe I can get the shop up to 60! I think my wife is wiling to trade in the firebird towards a new dart, she had a Neon and loved it. See if she can go for a test ride today (please, please, please like them)
Morning all, The first cup is gone, working on the second trying to plan out the day (why I bother I do not know it always changes!) The wife's fire chicken is done at the upholsterer he put in a new rear window panel, had to change the whole panel not just the glass. Hopefully I can put in the new oem tank sending unit rings today to stop a gas weep on the dart. Going to be like summer here around 31 so maybe I can get the shop up to 60! I think my wife is wiling to trade in the firebird towards a new dart, she had a Neon and loved it. See if she can go for a test ride today (please, please, please like them)

Wife rented one a while back. She is tall for a female. Liked the room and the
car in general.

No coffee for me.