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I just realized that I need to buy a new gas tank. I don't know why I thought the one I had was going to be fine, but the whole inside is black and rusty. I just put a little gas in it to check for leaks after a friend and I welded up the little pinhole that was in it. Not only did it not pass the test, but the gas came out of it BLACK.
I just realized that I need to buy a new gas tank. I don't know why I thought the one I had was going to be fine, but the whole inside is black and rusty. I just put a little gas in it to check for leaks after a friend and I welded up the little pinhole that was in it. Not only did it not pass the test, but the gas came out of it BLACK.
I just realized that I need to buy a new gas tank. I don't know why I thought the one I had was going to be fine, but the whole inside is black and rusty. I just put a little gas in it to check for leaks after a friend and I welded up the little pinhole that was in it. Not only did it not pass the test, but the gas came out of it BLACK.

Somethings Just aren't worth fixing.
I just realized that I need to buy a new gas tank. I don't know why I thought the one I had was going to be fine, but the whole inside is black and rusty. I just put a little gas in it to check for leaks after a friend and I welded up the little pinhole that was in it. Not only did it not pass the test, but the gas came out of it BLACK.
Surprised it even welded
I didn't think it would either, it had to of been on the ragged edge of weldable.
Take masking tape, the blue type, cover all the holes, pour in about 1 gallon epoxy, slosh it around, remove the tape, it will be sealed...
Hmmmmmm......I'm pretty sure epoxy and gas don't mix. :poke:
Gas will not hurt epoxy. 2 part...
Because the epoxy is clay-like consistency, fuel (or other liquids) can't seep through it or around it. Once cured, the epoxy can withstand 300-degrees and 900 psi of pressure, so it will be perfect for your leaky gas tank
Gas will not hurt epoxy. 2 part...
Because the epoxy is clay-like consistency, fuel (or other liquids) can't seep through it or around it. Once cured, the epoxy can withstand 300-degrees and 900 psi of pressure, so it will be perfect for your leaky gas tank
Huh, never mind then, good to know.