Stop in for a cup of coffee

Isn't the drivers seat all you really need? Thats what the red eye comes with, everything else extra!
Well again nothing car related for me to share again...all house stuff, all work, NO FUN!! :(
I spent the morning at the new place replacing the Pella windows the current owner bought.
Cheryl worked from home today.
I took her to lunch and then spent the next couple hours matching kitchen cabinet stain to wall paint and flooring...oh what fun!! :eek:
I then escaped and went to the batting cages. Our first over 60 softball game tonight.
We are in a upper division, no slouches on this team. Lots of cold beverages in the parking lot after the game to sooth any aches or pains.:D
And that's my day. :)
Most awesome news in a year. Works new policy - Got 2 shots, no more M’F’ing mask!!!!

And I just bought something with four wheels!! Fold down rear seat with a nice carry all box. New lithium batteries, lights, and other extras.


replacing the Pella windows the current owner bought.
You know what we always say - That' why they're called replacement windows. They will need to be replaced. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, of all the big brands out there last I checked Pella was one of the more durable ones, with a priceto match. My recollection is they didn't have different grades or anything like that - only premium or whatever name they use.

Reminds me I need to put the hardware back on the one I finished.

Most awesome news in a year. Works new policy - Got 2 shots, no more M’F’ing mask!!!!
That's awsome.
Philly Region made it optional this event in accordance with CDC guidelines. Except for the crew running timing and scoring we're outside and generally not close to each other anyway. Was super nice not to worry about carrying it and it was hot enough playing in the parking lot yesterday!

(yes I've got my shots. Thurs will be two weeks from the 2nd)
Thanks. 198K miles. We changed the fuel pump control module a couple months ago thinking that was it. Cold and changed in driveway. Worked well since then. Now died again. Fuel pressure was 50psi. Factory is 60-65psi. They have done good work for me in the past, just seemed high. Here is the breakdown:
Pump and filter $331
Labor $290 including changing filter
Shop supplies and taxes $89
I think that tank is full width, and if it goes over driveshaft its a hassle to remove.
Just got home from class. Beer on the deck. Breezy, sunny, in 70's. Aaaahhhhh
So finally got pan where i think it will work. Took all bloody day. Not calling it a win yet. Its not a fail though. Well, it was a fail. 18 leaks,and with the new leaks i think it was 22.
Guess i will call it a draw.
So finally got pan where i think it will work. Took all bloody day. Not calling it a win yet. Its not a fail though. Well, it was a fail. 18 leaks,and with the new leaks i think it was 22.
Guess i will call it a draw.
Edison tried over 2000 times to make the incandescent light bulb and only found 1 way to make it work.
Edison tried over 2000 times to make the incandescent light bulb and only found 1 way to make it work.
I think the quote is something like “I didn’t fail, I just found 2000 ways not to make a light bulb...”. But I have seen it as 100, 1000, 10,000... So who knows what he actually said. Lol
I think the quote is something like “I didn’t fail, I just found 2000 ways not to make a light bulb...”. But I have seen it as 100, 1000, 10,000... So who knows what he actually said. Lol
Something like that
That would have made a fun Monday. :thumbsup:
Actually, it would appear very few have had their vaccination. Not many on my shift without masks tonight. The new rule is you can stop wearing 2 weeks after last shot. So if they go for first one now they till have to wear it for 5 more weeks! I can't believe more didn't see this coming. They even started a $25 gift card if you show your record of both shots. I know some are scared of any shot, some don't trust the guberment, some are waiting for FDA to approve it. One guy was telling me about youtubers showing magnets on their arm 'proving' the shot was a chip implant. I grabbed an extremely strong magnet off my bench and ran it over my arm. If there was anything there it probably would have ripped a hole on the way