Stop in for a cup of coffee

That would have made a fun Monday. :thumbsup:
Actually, it would appear very few have had their vaccination. Not many on my shift without masks tonight. The new rule is you can stop wearing 2 weeks after last shot. So if they go for first one now they till have to wear it for 5 more weeks! I can't believe more didn't see this coming. They even started a $25 gift card if you show your record of both shots. I know some are scared of any shot, some don't trust the guberment, some are waiting for FDA to approve it. One guy was telling me about youtubers showing magnets on their arm 'proving' the shot was a chip implant. I grabbed an extremely strong magnet off my bench and ran it over my arm. If there was anything there it probably would have ripped a hole on the way
Morning coffee mob, I am heading down South this morning to oversee the dirt work and prep construction for the bridge onto our property. A mere 1000 mile drive one way. I got a tank full of Diesel, a bag a jersey and a bottle of Gatorade. I can make it! See all y’all in a few days.
I have more than enough to bring. Just taked to a guy that called from Canada yesterday, actually runs a Mopar dragster old school, he used to work for Ray Barton back in the day. Definitely a interesting phone call.

Nice morning, rain this afternoon. That oil pan sure gave me grief. I remember last time i did this, engine was on a stand and upside down. So test fit was easy and i could see it. So this time it was in the other building,and crappy light. Lesson learned.
Definitely have to get to shop early, looks like a bomb went off in there!
Started at 08:00 and gave up at 6:00. Pan needs a paint touch up, gaskets will be here this afternoon,so i can install it and set it back in truck. Pull carb and set level on carb mount, i have chassis set so its the same as when its on the floor.
Going slow on the R/T, The dam bumper support on the front bumper all the dam 5MM screws are broken, Big PIA to get them out. Ready to drill/grind the welded nuts off and put in nutserts!
Nice to have the lift back. Need to change the oi on al the cars today. Thought I had the oil on hand, of course not. Nothing back on the tractor yet.
One guy was telling me about youtubers showing magnets on their arm 'proving' the shot was a chip implant. I grabbed an extremely strong magnet off my bench and ran it over my arm. If there was anything there it probably would have ripped a hole on the way
I have a couple boxes of Cherios for you to sell as donut seeds to these guys.
Geez kids. We all stood in line in the auditorium in elemetary school to get TB tested. And then again for whatever vacine the gave us with the pneumatic gun.
And after all that, the mail still goes to my neighbor every now and then...
Nah, Take the cash!
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Good Morning All! Son came home from college, graduated and waiting for Masters program Mechanical Engineering U of W. Also was his birthday (23 May) so we celebrated that too. He's been gone sine 2011 (6 years Navy, then college). The wife is happy, he'll be living in a nearby town with friend and making short commute to school in August.