Stop in for a cup of coffee

Bah! Thats hogwash! No, actually tim is right. And its almost pleasureable to work in a clean area. My problem is, im either too busy or too tired to clean up after a job. I spent a solid hour the other day cleaning a bench and putting away tools. Then swept the floor. 24x32 garage can amount to a lot if it gets away. Which, lately it has. But now with arthritis meds, things have improved in the energy end of things. I can get more done in a day, without wanting to die at the end of it.
My problem is that no matter how well I clean my area, because it’s a shared building, people think my stuff can be dual purposed as storage shelves, work benches or shelters for whatever they happened to have in their hands when they walked by
My problem is that no matter how well I clean my area, because it’s a shared building, people think my stuff can be dual purposed as storage shelves, work benches or shelters for whatever they happened to have in their hands when they walked by
Like the cars in body shop prison. i keep harassing my buddy the body shop owner,that the t-bird in the corner stall isnt a shelf.
if someone left stuff on my car i wouldnt be happy.

local marina, one outboard mechaniccis meticulous,other one is a slob.
Each has own bench.
Slob works weekend, and uses clean guy’s bench. monday morning, clean guy cleans bench off.straight into garbage can. Tools,parts,hardware. The whole works. Slob never learned.
Chicken kabobs on the way to the grille

A line rolling in. Decided not to push my luck.
Maybe I can finish later.
Its dinner time anyway.
Went and plunked around with the Fargo this afternoon. Thinking i better wait for starter before i start building mounts. Looks like i will have room. Guess i could make original starter work,then swap in the mini later.
3 days :eek:. Heck! They was cooked before ever getting close to da far :lol:
You keep the flyin' critter bits.
The toadstools are mine!:lol:
I bought the chicken Sunday evening. Cut it into cubes, put in my marinade and then froze it. Then yesterday, I sat it in the fridge to thaw.

I had a college physics teacher who loved to do cooking competitions tell me to do that a while back and I finally decided to try it. Something about the freezing while in marinade actually forces the marinade into every crevice of the meat, then the thawing sucks more in. Or so he claimed. It definitely was juicer than the last time I tried it with just marinading overnight in the fridge.
I bought the chicken Sunday evening. Cut it into cubes, put in my marinade and then froze it. Then yesterday, I sat it in the fridge to thaw.

I had a college physics teacher who loved to do cooking competitions tell me to do that a while back and I finally decided to try it. Something about the freezing while in marinade actually forces the marinade into every crevice of the meat, then the thawing sucks more in. Or so he claimed. It definitely was juicer than the last time I tried it with just marinading overnight in the fridge.

My buddy from Battle Creek, MI is a restaurant manager... When I first met him I was a broke starving college kid and he was a manager of a Bob Evans... The guy in the dorm across the hall from us came in our room and said, "Do you want a free dinner at Bob Evans???" ----> Hell yeah, our cafeteria food sucked at school...

He drove us to a Bob Evans and that's when I met Ron for the first time...

He's a great cook... Throw some meat and spices at him and he'll whip up something good....

I keep telling him that I'm like a wild/stray dog... If you keep feeding me, I'll keep coming around....
Hey all checking in. Haven't missed a day in who knows how long so figured even this late counts. Been a busy day as usual. Drove down and picked the new yard cart up (golf cart). Came home, did the weekly yard work, and fixed dinner. Getting ready to head for the granddaughter's softball game, hopefully she beats the rain coming in.
Hey. Got all old plumbing out of attic. Got all Copper in place and soldered together. Finish up tomorrow...
So i decided today,to get oxy/acetelyne. Managed to exchange one of the bottles that was given to me, but i will have to buy the oxygen bottle outright. Will list my other bottles for sale,to offset cost of a good replacement.
4 different gas suppliers, and 2 of which are local. And only 1 i deal with.
Evening, moving trucks around today and noticed gear oil under my 3/4 ton. Looks like my pinion seal is leaking. I get to cover for vacation in the oil patch next three days.
Blink, Blink. Morning.
Bunch of Thunder, Wind, and Rain overnight. Waiting for Sun to access any damage.