Stop in for a cup of coffee

@halifaxhops :rofl::rofl:

I did get some seeds in the garden, so the rain is good. Only had to water a couple times. Radishes are coming up already. Looks like the rain will take care of it a couple more days. Probably have to water Mon or Tues.
I did get some seeds in the garden, so the rain is good. Only had to water a couple times. Radishes are coming up already. Looks like the rain will take care of it a couple more days. Probably have to water Mon or Tues.
We have a scattered frost warning for tonight. WTF!
I did get some seeds in the garden, so the rain is good. Only had to water a couple times. Radishes are coming up already. Looks like the rain will take care of it a couple more days. Probably have to water Mon or Tues.
Yeah we desperately need rain here
It's Flamingo Friday!
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"Do you have the coffee ready yet?"
Good morning :D
My old art teacher has these little plasticy flamingos in her front yard and almost every night of the week one of them would get stolen.
To fix this, she took one of them, took its legs off, FILLED the plastic body with rebar, made rebar legs, then dug a hole about 6 feet deep then set the flamingos into the hole, and finally she filled the hold with concrete and made it look like the flamingos are standing in a little puddle.
The funny thing is though, people still try and steal them and if they cant rip them out of the ground, then they decide to try and knock them over. they kick them and get a footfull of rebar and one broken toe.
Hey guys. Got plumbing done. No leaks. Woo hoo... Now to pick up my mess, tools....
I would get some foam pipe insulation. Look at what happened in Texas not to long ago. They didn't think it would happen to them either.
I would get some foam pipe insulation. Look at what happened in Texas not to long ago. They didn't think it would happen to them either.
Been down to 34 here. Will never get a hard freeze..... Cross fingers.... I would just put a small space heater in the attic till it warms up....
Been down to 34 here. Will never get a hard freeze..... Cross fingers.... I would just put a small space heater in the attic till it warms up....
And when the wife finds out everything he spent on the car, he will be living up there anyway...:lol:
And when the wife finds out everything he spent on the car, he will be living up there anyway...:lol:
Wife says, "I thought we were trying to get these cards paid down how come the balance is getting bigger?" " Hmm, Jegs,,,, Summit,,,,," Who me? :rolleyes: