Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning wrench twisters!!
Nice morning, calm and starting to clear after last night’s rain.
Couple nights last week we had frost, this friday its going to be near 100f.
Another cold rainy one here today.

Looking out the window at my garden, saw a bird wiping out our gooseberry bush, guess I'd better net that up too. Thinking they're going to chow down on the peach and cherry trees too if I don't do something with them.
I did look at the garden this mornning when I had the dog out. Beans are starting to sprout. :thumbsup:

Good Morning
Saw this burger joint on Diners Drive-Inns and Dives, built in a car trailer, going to order a "Big Block" burger (3 1/2 lbs).

Junkyard Extreme Burgers + Brats
Looks like some good grub, but where do you see 3-1/2 lbs? Menu shows 2x 1/2= 1lb... I'd be good with a 'Straight 6', but they have to tilt it a little. :rolleyes:
I got burgers at Carlisle -I think for me and Wolfie. I forget if it was the place or the sandwich called 'Big Block Burger'. OK, but nothing impressive. :( I think a couple of the best food places were closed last year.
Looks like rain again. Oh well. im happy i have indoor space to play.
looking at pictures of the dakota starters, i still may not have enough room beside steering box. I can move the box away from engine about 1/2” if that’s what it takes. But i better wait until starter gets here before i weld in mounts.
Looks like some good grub, but where do you see 3-1/2 lbs? Menu shows 2x 1/2= 1lb... I'd be good with a 'Straight 6', but they have to tilt it a little. :rolleyes:
I got burgers at Carlisle -I think for me and Wolfie. I forget if it was the place or the sandwich called 'Big Block Burger'. OK, but nothing impressive. :( I think a couple of the best food places were closed last year.

The burger and fries are weighed in the video at the 4:20 mark, 3.4 lbs, must be the tomato lol. Might have something to do with the 1 cup of cheese and or the bacon....
Looks like rain again. Oh well. im happy i have indoor space to play.
looking at pictures of the dakota starters, i still may not have enough room beside steering box. I can move the box away from engine about 1/2” if that’s what it takes. But i better wait until starter gets here before i weld in mounts.
Might try to get some basement cleanup today. Haven't made any progress with the hoard in a while... Really need to figure out where the water is coming from down there. Might have to tear out shower, or bathroom wall. Trying to figure it out before wrecking anything I will have to put back together later. Really don't need any extra work.
So my son is playing outside, all I hear is a blood curling scream and he comes running full speed into the house screaming “daddy get your guns!! Help!!!” Grab my pistol and rush to the door

All over this little guy :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

my poor boy is now laying on the couch crying his eyes out after meeting the “scary mean snake”


:soapbox:Man, people are F'n idiots... Just saw local Walmart had a bomb threat yesterday and another nearby had one a couple days ago. Both were apparently BS, but still hope they find the callers and drop the hammer on them as terrorists.. A-holes with nothin better to do than screw up someone elses day.... :mob:
Rain off and on all day here. Just drinking my coffee and surfing the net, looking for parts.