Stop in for a cup of coffee

So with the beginning of Summer so comes the annual diet from wife. Every time she is on a diet somehow it ends up effecting my eating habits as well. She has been on a serving something raw and uncooked at every meal kick of late. Tonight she looked at my plate and commented about my lack of raw food. Number one I ain’t on the diet, I am perfectly happy being fat and lazy! Number two I politely informed her that I did in fact have raw food on my plate. As I had melted butter and drizzled it all over my garlic bread. Butter in its raw form is in fact a liquid right? Thus I had in fact complied to the raw food requirements!
Yesterday I built the kids a new sandbox out of some left over lumber from last years storage shed construction project(precovid)



So with the beginning of Summer so comes the annual diet from wife. Every time she is on a diet somehow it ends up effecting my eating habits as well. She has been on a serving something raw and uncooked at every meal kick of late. Tonight she looked at my plate and commented about my lack of raw food. Number one I ain’t on the diet, I am perfectly happy being fat and lazy! Number two I politely informed her that I did in fact have raw food on my plate. As I had melted butter and drizzled it all over my garlic bread. Butter in its raw form is in fact a liquid right? Thus I had in fact complied to the raw food requirements!
Sounds like someone doesn't like cooking inside in the summer!
Who can blame her. LOL

I pulled this from the (mini)garden yesterday. Carrot tops are in the soup now with leftover lamb, parlsy, barley and fresh sauted mushrooms and onions. Carrots may end up there too - they're the runts I let overwinter. Don't think they'll be good raw.
The little white turnips are great in salad. Actually I'm not big fan cooked turnips. Go figure.
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I set a new world record for the 30 yard dash on a midnight snake hunting excursion. MOJAVE GREEEEEEN! :lol:

“A bite from a Mojave Green can cause a lot of local swelling, bruising and even tissue damage, but what it’s notorious for is it can actually cause paralysis and even cause you to stop breathing.”
Hey my 45 semi does the same thing. :D
So my son is playing outside, all I hear is a blood curling scream and he comes running full speed into the house screaming “daddy get your guns!! Help!!!” Grab my pistol and rush to the door

All over this little guy :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

my poor boy is now laying on the couch crying his eyes out after meeting the “scary mean snake”

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A couple days ago at the house.
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Saw this guy outside the garage last fall. Hopefully eating all the small critters.
No problem with snakes here in Viet Nam. Snakes are skeered of the people. Cause they all eat snake...:lol: