Stop in for a cup of coffee

Heading down to visit some family, I hate driving thru the city. Guess I'll pay the state for the use of their overpriced turnpike and Blue route, and go around.:mob:
:soapbox:Man, people are F'n idiots... Just saw local Walmart had a bomb threat yesterday and another nearby had one a couple days ago. Both were apparently BS, but still hope they find the callers and drop the hammer on them as terrorists.. A-holes with nothin better to do than screw up someone elses day.... :mob:
Where was this?
:soapbox:Man, people are F'n idiots... Just saw local Walmart had a bomb threat yesterday and another nearby had one a couple days ago. Both were apparently BS, but still hope they find the callers and drop the hammer on them as terrorists.. A-holes with nothin better to do than screw up someone elses day.... :mob:
People are losing their minds more than ever before it appears
Heading down to visit some family, I hate driving thru the city. Guess I'll pay the state for the use of their overpriced turnpike and Blue route, and go around.:mob:
No kidding, it cost me more in toll fees driving to Carlisle than it did gas while on the turnpike for the Jeep !
People are losing their minds more than ever before it appears
I suppose, but they suck. OK, so you have a beef with walmart. Maybe they didn't pay your cousin enough an hour. (the person doing it probably never had a job) So what to do? How bout threaten to blow up the people in there trying to buy groceries on their Holiday weekend... :wtf::BangHead:
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Tried watchin' Indy, what a snooze fest that was. The sun is out, it could warm up a little and not hurt my feelings any :lol:.
Still in the 50s out there :lol:. All the ORVers that come over from the San Joaquin Valley to play in the sand at Pismo Beach are probly diggin' it, 100+ over there. That might be a fun activity tomorrow, go watch the ramp on to the beach and watch those knot heads get their motorhomes stuck in the sand :rofl: or the creek crossing :rofl:.
I suppose, but they suck. OK, so you have a beef with walmart. Maybe they didn't pay your cousin enough an hour. (the person doing it probably never had a job) So what to do? How bout threaten to blow up the people in there trying to buy groceries on their Holiday weekend... :wtf::BangHead:
Completely agree
Tried watchin' Indy, what a snooze fest that was. The sun is out, it could warm up a little and not hurt my feelings any :lol:.
Still in the 50s out there :lol:. All the ORVers that come over from the San Joaquin Valley to play in the sand at Pismo Beach are probly diggin' it, 100+ over there. That might be a fun activity tomorrow, go watch the ramp on to the beach and watch those knot heads get their motorhomes stuck in the sand :rofl: or the creek crossing :rofl:.
I’m watching, pretty good battle so far. Last year was much more boring
Oh boy, this is gonna get funner! :BangHead::BangHead:
Removed all the nasty drywall up past where the back paper had mold on it... You can see where the blocks are saturated. Does not necessarily seem to be worst when raining. Wondering if my well pipes have a leak. They are definitely stressed because of the twist. Don’t know if original pump had them inverted, but they are upside down since I have been here. That’s about 2 ft below ground level. Raining today- Guess I will be outside digging a hole tomorrow morning.


Oh boy, this is gonna get funner! :BangHead::BangHead:
Removed all the nasty drywall up past where the back paper had mold on it... You can see where the blocks are saturated. Does not necessarily seem to be worst when raining. Wondering if my well pipes have a leak. They are definitely stressed because of the twist. Don’t know if original pump had them inverted, but they are upside down since I have been here. That’s about 2 ft below ground level. Raining today- Guess I will be outside digging a hole tomorrow morning.

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Ok you win for the “my day is gonna suk award”!
So my son is playing outside, all I hear is a blood curling scream and he comes running full speed into the house screaming “daddy get your guns!! Help!!!” Grab my pistol and rush to the door

All over this little guy :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

my poor boy is now laying on the couch crying his eyes out after meeting the “scary mean snake”

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:lol:Good thing he knows the proper response to danger is GET THE GUNS!!!!!!!
Good morning!
At church today, I was trying to find the offering plates in the pastor's office when I spotted a pair of matching blue yellow cali plates. Asked the pastor where they came from and they were a deceased member's. Well, she left her estate to the church as a donation and lo and behold, they found these plates while clearing out her house!
So my son is playing outside, all I hear is a blood curling scream and he comes running full speed into the house screaming “daddy get your guns!! Help!!!” Grab my pistol and rush to the door

All over this little guy :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

my poor boy is now laying on the couch crying his eyes out after meeting the “scary mean snake”

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My friend, retired classicist, archaeologist, and at some point before all that an assistant in collecting snakes was amused (and I think pleased) to find a black snake as a housemate last June.


If there were mice in the house, they're gone now!

My friend, retired classicist, archaeologist, and at some point before all that an assistant in collecting snakes was amused (and I think pleased) to find a black snake as a housemate last June.
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If there were mice in the house, they're gone now!
Don't really want them in the house, but that's not a bad one to have around. :thumbsup:Certainly the most common snake we have here.

I set a new world record for the 30 yard dash on a midnight snake hunting excursion. MOJAVE GREEEEEEN! :lol:

“A bite from a Mojave Green can cause a lot of local swelling, bruising and even tissue damage, but what it’s notorious for is it can actually cause paralysis and even cause you to stop breathing.”
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I set a new world record for the 30 yard dash on a midnight snake hunting excursion. MOJAVE GREEEEEEN! :lol:

“A bite from a Mojave Green can cause a lot of local swelling, bruising and even tissue damage, but what it’s notorious for is it can actually cause paralysis and even cause you to stop breathing.”
You make it sound like such fun... :realcrazy:
No nasty snakes here. No scorpions or dangerous spiders either. Woodticks and mosquitoes. Thats it. And hornets and wasps. And tourists.
Those snakes aren't nasty. They keep the varmit populations in check.

Cool to watch too - at a safe distance!

It's also fun to watch people's reaction when they unexpectably see one, even non-venemous ones.

The black snakes can get pretty big!
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I set a new world record for the 30 yard dash on a midnight snake hunting excursion. MOJAVE GREEEEEEN! :lol:

“A bite from a Mojave Green can cause a lot of local swelling, bruising and even tissue damage, but what it’s notorious for is it can actually cause paralysis and even cause you to stop breathing.”
O **** NOT A GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

my friend used to love to catch snakes, and he caught a few of these at school. dude was insane
So you do have them up at your elevation. I was wonderin' about that.
oh yeah, in P.E. we had to run a course through the forest behind our school, up the river bed, then up and then down a section of the mojave narrows then back to campus.
saw many rattlers, diamondbacks, little cornsnakes, and only a couple of mojave greens. while sparce, they are still there. It is the main reason I joined band.