Stop in for a cup of coffee

There are numerous online articles about that area and last night's destruction.
Yeah. Still trying to confirm a report about the corvette museum and plant. Local news reporter at 4 an posted a single tweet saying the plant and museum were hit and collapsed, with a fire burning. If that’s true, God must really hate Corvettes because they just repaired all the cars and fully reopened after the sinkhole the other year.
Morning, times are tough and put all this destruction on them, and even sad to loose historical Corvettes
Morning, times are tough and put all this destruction on them, and even sad to loose historical Corvettes
Yeah, losing the cars are just adding salt to the bigger wounds of the loss of life and property right before the holidays. So sad.

I sent Memike a message via bookface. He may simply be without power. Or cell.
Was just checking it out. They made the best of it took the destroyed ones and put them on display.
How's @memike doing? I saw tornados in AK. How about John's property? @Sublime one
Haven’t heard from either of them yet. I sent Mike a message but lots of reports of cell towers, power outages, we may not hear anything fora bit.

mike posted on Facebook that they’d narrowly missed the first round of storms, but that the second system was bearing down. It’s that second one that produced the monster. It looks though to have been a bit east of where he has his profile location listed over on Facebook, so hopefully that is true
Sorry if I’m boring ya all on this. I get fascinated by raw power of storms. Ever since I survived one as a kid. And that one was only a f2!
This mess is going to be going on for a while looking for survivors.
I wish I could post pics from the spotter page. But they get pissy about taking pictures from there and reposting. Even if you give them credit. Most of them sell the pics to news outlets is the reason.
But if the pic the one spotter is claiming is in fact of a factory that was operating at the time, there’s gonna be a LOT of casualties. There’s nothing left.
We used to get activated for them with the rescue units. Usually triage type of stuff and medevac. This is really bad wait till it gets light out for the real evaluation, prob hundreds dead/wounded.
I don't think I have never seen so many tornado casualties. A roof came down on factory workers that took a lot I hear.
We were activated as spotters for tornadoes last night but none of the area where these hit, were expected to get anything this strong. NWS and SPC were calling for low chances of smaller, short lived tornadoes with the outside chance of a medium to long track tornado. No one saw any data going into it that suggested a record length and power tornado
We used to get activated for them with the rescue units. Usually triage type of stuff and medevac. This is really bad wait till it gets light out for the real evaluation, prob hundreds dead/wounded.
yeah. Agreed. This with likely top Joplin 2011’s F5 and Reno’s F5