Stop in for a cup of coffee

My T Mobil phone would only work in one small place at Rays. They might have installed a new tower...
Some phones can be setup to use WiFi - is that also for voice now that VoLTE is the new standard?
I know there have been health issues supposedly related to living under power lines. Don't know what has been proven one way or the other.
There's a short sci-fi horror story by Fritz Lieber along who says the electricity talks to him. Might have been made into Radio Mystery Theater, Twilight Zone or Outer Limits
Some phones can be setup to use WiFi - is that also for voice now that VoLTE is the new standard?
My phone works fine on Rays Wi Fi. Other then that, there is only a three foot square spot it will work. Really...
At The Park when doing living history weekends, one of the volunteers would bring bacon in slab from a butcher in the Albany area. Seasoned the skillets and also used it lightly as a preservative grease in the muskets. That might still be protecting them for all I know. Hopefully better than nothing.

What period?
No view from up there. To many trees....
But I can see that thing above the trees! lol. It obstructs the sunrise/sunset. And now they will have todouble layer their tinfoil hats!
My phone works fine on Rays Wi Fi. Other then that, there is only a three foot square spot it will work. Really...
Oh I beleive you.
That was the irony of working at camp KEP. Hadly any service there, but the organization was 'paperless' and did practicaly everything using google cloud. Of course none of that worked for the first few years except in one small location. Had to set up boosters and get satelite service. $$$
Thats also why the phone they gave me has an ATT network card. The only carrier that worked pretty decently in that location.
In andoid. If you drop down the home screen you can see WiFi calling as an option and follow.tye prompts.

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The one I have is much older but probbaly similar.
Unfortunately the phone wasn't really made for VoLTE. So that's why I had to buy a new phone. Not sure if it does wifi calling - it might.
Oh I beleive you.
That was the irony of working at camp KEP. Hadly any service there, but the organization was 'paperless' and did practicaly everything using google cloud. Of course none of that worked for the first few years except in one small location. Had to set up boosters and get satelite service. $$$
Thats also why the phone they gave me has an ATT network card. The only carrier that worked pretty decently in that location.
With what AT&T did to my retirement, I will never use any of there offerings....:mad::icon_fU:
I have a new i12mini on ATT. I have no clue how it works or what all it can do. I just accidentally turned off the TV from the bathroom. :rofl:
I have a new i12mini on ATT. I have no clue how it works or what all it can do. I just accidentally turned off the TV from the bathroom. :rofl:
Better than turning on the camara in the bathroom! :eek:
I have a new i12mini on ATT. I have no clue how it works or what all it can do. I just accidentally turned off the TV from the bathroom. :rofl:
My AT&T stock will go up if Biden gets his build back better plan thru. AT&T is the main company building out the Wireless network under that plan....About time the rural areas get coverage....GOOD coverage....usable....
I can start my car from the maintenance shop at work (other side of the building) using the MyMazda app. Others are walking to the front window or even halfway to the lot and coming back in to wait. Pretty handy when its 10F outside, to be able to start warming the car 10min before punching out (I do that on my phone as well)
Neat, but not for me.
That stuff isnt worth the aggravation of dealing with g**gle or the free resale of my info for marketing.
Very cool. Earliest I've gone is 1803...
I may be done with doing any living history. My friends have retired out except for one, and its looking less and less likely I'll be doing any work related that would bring me back. Ironically. about three years ago I bought my own musket - mostly so I could take it to the range. In fact my old boss from wayyy back invited me to join him at his local range when the weather warms up.
Flint locks are cool. I have one I bought as a kit. Nothing like a flash to distract you before the BOOM!
I may be done with doing any living history. My friends have retired out except for one, and its looking less and less likely I'll be doing any work related that would bring me back. Ironically. about three years ago I bought my own musket - mostly so I could take it to the range. In fact my old boss from wayyy back invited me to join him at his local range when the weather warms up.

I have a number of reproduction black powder rifles, muskets and rifle muskets from 1792 - 1861. I enjoy them a great deal. Lately it's been a question of time and funds investment... acquiring the proper items for an impression is not inexpensive... I'd rather work on the car
Flint locks are cool. I have one I bought as a kit. Nothing like a flash to distract you before the BOOM!
And getting hit in the cheek from the guy next to you!
(we actually try to minimize that by using flash guards but it still happens occassionally)