Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'm old. I like quiet.

Turbo mufflers behind the headers. I purchased Purple Hornies for the Swinger when I purchased the headers. After installing the headers and the collector pointing directly at that cross member Purple Hornies went back to Summit :lol:. She said she wanted something different to drive to school :lol:
Remember my car show quote when someone rags on my Cuda for being a race car. “Mister, that is why your key don’t fit” Jerk offs, those kind of folks irate me. The list of us with less than perfect cars is 10 to 1 over the perfect one.

No car is perfect, no matter how good it looks... There's always some flaw somewhere...

Build it as best that you can and enjoy it as a nice car and accept that it's not perfect...

When you build it yourself, you know that you did it the best that you're capable of doing... Which is usually better than the work people do on your car when you pay them to do it...

At least you have the pride in knowing that you built it yourself and it's done right... :usflag:
Quick question;
where should you pick up 12v to operate an electric choke?

I was thinking the start solenoid

Go to the input side of the ballast resistor... It's 12 volts, the output side is 6 volts and not enough...

Use a multi meter and measure the voltage of the wire before you attach the choke to it... I like to use flat blade piggyback terminals on the choke + wire and then stack the regular car wire to that...
Yes. for the switched power side. The control side needs to be ran off the ignition feed. Maybe off the plus side of the coil. If you dont know how to wire a relay post here.....You might get away with wiring it to the positive side of the coil. But I would not leave it that way...just to get it running....

No, the positive side of the coil is fed from the negative side of the ballast resistor which is 6 volts...

You want to feed off of the input side of the ballast resistor to get 12 volts...
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I'll put it on the coil for now, I'll buy a relay and wire it proper after this weekend

No, run it to the ballast resistor input like I've said in the last few posts...

You're making it harder than you need to... Just get a flat blade piggyback terminal for the electric choke + wire and then stack the main harness on top of that for the ballast resistor....

I've don this for decades on daily drivers in 20° and below and the choke works great that way....
Coil gets reduced voltage.
Put a piggyback on the run circuit before the current goes through the resistor.

What year is your car?
Electric assist for chokes started around '72 or 73. Just use that.
If it doesn't draw much you'll be fine.
and the ammeter will read correctly.

Finally, someone who agrees with me.... :BangHead:
When I was thrown in jail there was a phone in my cell.... A 'cell' phone... :rolleyes:
I know there have been health issues supposedly related to living under power lines. Don't know what has been proven one way or the other.

There was a family on our swim team that lived off of the high tension wires...

Their second kid has Lupis and the youngest kid died of Lukemia when he was in Jr. High.... Not sure if that is the reason, but kinda coincidence....
Well, there's so many shootings on the freeways here, the state police have released a map with all of the shootings in the last 2 1/2 years posted...

Expressway Shooting Map Unveiled By Illinois State Police

Here's a direct link to the map with all of the shootings listed by where and when they happened and tells if they were fatal or not....

ArcGIS Dashboards

Only in Chicago.... :realcrazy: :rolleyes:
The only phone or cable company worse than the one you have is the one you are going to....

I switched to WOW internet and they SURPASS the speed at which they quoted....

AT&T couldn't even reach the speed that they quoted me, and after a while it was lucky to be 1 mbps or less when I started at 12, and then they reduced me to 6 because they couldn't do 12 and they still couldn't do 6.... :icon_fU: