Stop in for a cup of coffee

On the plate today is cleaning up the war zone a little up front. Have most of the firewood winched out, going to need to build burn piles after I go through with my limber Stihl and buzz up 3-4 inch limbs into fire logs. After that it's football. Wifey got me two projects for the weekend, a new dual shower head with remote ball washer (put that in yesterday) and door knob with lock for garage door to mud room, prolly put that in today.

What does the ball washer look like on the shower head???

Do you use it to wash your balls???? :rolleyes:
Well spent the last hour or so, removing all the stored pictures and memes from my IPad.
Clean slate.
Also put every thread except this one in general discussions on ignore.
Simplifies things a lot.
I bet the Mods wish they could do that.:rofl:
Just ordered a set actually. I am calling them tomorrow they sat long enough. Your fuel pump arrived.
Good morning c\_/ . I was pages behind here.
Having Ham and bean soup for lunch. Gotta like leftovers. No short change on the ham. It came from a bone in ham we had around Christmas.
We like just about any bean. My favorite is the "sows' ear" giant lima with left overs from a spiral sliced ham. Sweetest meat does lye closest to the bone.
Have a great Sunday
I get to clean a few pistols up this morning from pistol match yesterday. Load some 9mm on the Dillion, and set up a 38-55 for a match next weekend. Then I get to bone up on my Game and Fish notes as I am teaching a Hunters Ed class next week for GnF. I love teaching that class, it is always a hoot. The what if questions are just classic coming from 11 year olds. Their examples have way to much detail and you can typically see the family member who is accompanying them literally squirm. It is hilarious.