Stop in for a cup of coffee

No problem. I heard our batch left the warehouse yesterday. It takes 2-3 weeks for it to hit the shelves. Yesterday's batch did sell out around 5 pm. That's a successful barrel pick if you can do that and the 60 or so shelf bottles were sold at the store with a limit 1.
Wife said she sent this morning, let me know if it showed up. I warned her there were two of you on PayPal!
Ted and I tasted 3 samples from different barrels of Elijah Craig bourbon back in July. The one we chose was bottled as a single barrel and we call it a barrel pick. That program has to go through a registered liquor store here in Iowa. The single barrel we picked has been bottled and supposedly left the warehouse yesterday. My Facebook group, Waterloo Spirit Chasers, sponsors the pick and we get first chance at the bottles before they are offered to the public. The juice should be non filtered and barrel proof which is 133.5. It is quite mellow and drinks like a 110 proofer.

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And I got me one! TMM for President!
-12 here this morning, even the dogs did their thing quick and came back in. Horses were in the barn so they are good to go. Hot coffee and oatmeal to warm me back up.
New on the Taco Bell menu
Wow. This is something new. The county sheriff has just ordered ALL business except for police, fire and the hospital to close. All others, including regular DR offices, gas stations and grocery stores which are normally exempt from such action, must close and send employees home by 12p.
They must be expecting this second wave to be very dangerous
Wow. This is something new. The county sheriff has just ordered ALL business except for police, fire and the hospital to close. All others, including regular DR offices, gas stations and grocery stores which are normally exempt from such action, must close and send employees home by 12p.
They must be expecting this second wave to be very dangerous
The second wave will be the worst today they are saying here also.
Wow. This is something new. The county sheriff has just ordered ALL business except for police, fire and the hospital to close. All others, including regular DR offices, gas stations and grocery stores which are normally exempt from such action, must close and send employees home by 12p.
They must be expecting this second wave to be very dangerous
Shoot ! I forgot your state/city you live in ?