Stop in for a cup of coffee

No big plans tonight. Just chillin at home with my Gal....Been to too many drinking/eating parties lately...Need a break for a few days perhaps...
yes you have, been acting like a 40 year old lately bud :lol: yes, take a well earned break, enjoy a cigar and a glass of wine :thumbsup:
Took this pic two days ago..No... I did not eat any of this fish head. But this uncle likes it....:eek:
Oh no no no no no !! Not even going there Mitch.

Wow !! Love the chairs Mitch :thumbsup::thumbsup: beuityful :thumbsup:
Morning MOPARIANS...Mitch no fish heads for me think I'll make some PB and toast.
I got indoor softball practice and game this morning needs some energy food to burn!!
Morning MOPARIANS...Mitch no fish heads for me think I'll make some PB and toast.
I got indoor softball practice and game this morning needs some energy food to burn!!
You enjoy your fun day, two over easy eggs and bacon with toast and jelly would be a good protein hit ..
Whats the temp in your garage Tool
Mines cold every Saturday & l work on all the warm day Bot this l in C Rapids 4 $$$ Oh well What’s your project this week
Good morning ( good morning from a staff member here, no addresses allowed in public forums for your safety, must share in private conversation)


Good Morning everyone. I hope all is well. Supposed to be a bit warmer this week, that will be nice, may actually work on a car again.
Whatever was there to start, would be there when I was done.
Good Morning
You guys need to know...After the 61-74 war here in Viet Nam , things were quite bad for people in the South of Vietnam. After the North took over in 75, they treated the Southerners horribly. They caught and found and picked everything they ate. This is why you see them eating so many unfamiliar ( To Us ) things.. Old habits hard to break....
Good Morning everyone. I hope all is well. Supposed to be a bit warmer this week, that will be nice, may actually work on a car again.
good morning, warming up here in northeast Arkansas as well, wind out of the south and a high of 57 they say
Maybe that's a good sign that the non-sleepers finally got some sleep...?

Morning Hop

Mitch must be getting into Tuesday evening activities

I thought this is Mitch enjoying Monday evening :thumbsup: but I could be wrong

Good morning
You guys need to know...After the 61-74 war here in Viet Nam , things were quite bad for people in the South of Vietnam. After the North took over in 75, they treated the Southerners horribly. They caught and found and picked everything they ate. This is why you see them eating so many unfamiliar ( To Us ) things.. Old habits hard to break....

When I was deployed in Diego Garcia, a Mauritian saw me with a big Ulua or Trevally. He asked if I needed it cleaned I said sure figuring he would want a tip or couple steaks. Nope, he wanted the fish's head only and invited me over to their place for fish head soup and Russian poker. Great night, we got smashed and the soup was awesome!
You guys need to know...After the 61-74 war here in Viet Nam , things were quite bad for people in the South of Vietnam. After the North took over in 75, they treated the Southerners horribly. They caught and found and picked everything they ate. This is why you see them eating so many unfamiliar ( To Us ) things.. Old habits hard to break....
I'm sure that is a big part. And different cultures just eat different stuff. See many things considered delicacies and would be untouchable by the poor, that I think are just nasty...
Maybe that's a good sign that the non-sleepers finally got some sleep...?

Morning Hop

Mitch must be getting into Tuesday evening activities
WE are exactly 12 hrs ahead of EST in America. Today is Tuesday the 8th at 7pm. Of course when the US springs forward in the spring one hour, it confuses things a bit....
Morning all y’all! You boys can have all that free falling nonsense. I see no good reason to jump out of a plane with two perfectly good wings! Hah! My boy is a jump master in 82nd, we have had this conversation many evenings. I will not be swayed hah! But super kudos to those that do! Mother Ocean and terra firma for me!
Morning all y’all! You boys can have all that free falling nonsense. I see no good reason to jump out of a plane with two perfectly good wings! Hah! My boy is a jump master in 82nd, we have had this conversation many evenings. I will not be swayed hah! But super kudos to those that do! Mother Ocean and terra firma for me!

Same here brother !!

Good morning from the hill :D
I'm sure that is a big part. And different cultures just eat different stuff. See many things considered delicacies and would be untouchable by the poor, that I think are just nasty...

Yesteday I talked with a service lineman who had gone overseas to French Guiana and saw a mud fish, sitting on a rock of course. It had lungs, it walked/crawled, jumped in the water and then back onto the shore. The locals showed him how to catch it, he did, they cooked it and he said it tasted like 6 month old sh@t. Hilarious!