Stop in for a cup of coffee

Don’t think there is any diff between diesel and #2 heating oil. Not sure which name he ordered it under but father in law used same for heating house and running equipment.
Yep. Heating oil usually just contains a wee bit of kerosene mixed it to aid with ignition of the fuel in the heaters, but it’s not much.
Lol I should specify I’m not planting it all at once.

I have built a small lettuce box. Holds enough for 6-8 heads of lettuce. Lettuce grows really fast. So I’ll stagger my seed starting and replanting to where there’s always 1-2 ready to harvest when the next seed is sprouting.
I might use 6-8 all season...And I don't know any way to keep it for any length of time.
It's Twister Tuesday!


Good morning :D
I might use 6-8 all season...And I don't know any way to keep it for any length of time.
My theory is if I end up with more than we can eat, I’ll take it into the office and give it away. Or donate it to the Church that takes food donations for their evening meals for the poor.
Sure,because they are made for one time use. Nobody cuts them anymore, so they can start at min thickness
Again I am talking about selling USED OEM that were cut a few times and look really thin, way beyond the .060 allowed.
Again I am talking about selling USED OEM that were cut a few times and look really thin, way beyond the .060 allowed.
OH. Yeh, that be scrap metal. LOL I guess people run them. When I bought wheels for the Neon at the yard, they had total crap tires on them. He charged me for them and I had to bring back for refund.
I bet no one does drum brakes the way we used to do them, true the drums, within limits, arch the brake shoes, lube the slider pads etc. Bunch of deer in the headlight looks now if you even ask that one at a shop.

So my thought on high fuel prices. Our government is under no pressure to lower cost. They want everyone to drive electric vehicles. So high fuel only incentives us to do that. That's all I'm saying...
Man going to suck to have two people in a SUV drive to work!:rofl: Only in the USA we are spoiled badly.
You younger guys know how to arch the shoes at home? Adhesive sand paper in the drum and spin it while applying the breaks lightly. Works every time if the drums are true.
You younger guys know how to arch the shoes at home? Adhesive sand paper in the drum and spin it while applying the breaks lightly. Works every time if the drums are true.
What's arching shoes????? Channeling the youth.