Stop in for a cup of coffee

This will be fun to see not happen. The package was picked up in Georgia at 3 pm Eastern and is due here in Iowa tomorrow. :lol::lol:
We went to oncology today and got a different picture than the surgeon the first of the week.. The wife will get a lumpectomy and some radiation. 95+% positive rate the cancer won't come back. Better news.
That's why second and third opinions are important.
Surgeons have necessary talents, but handing them a patient is like giving a Carpenter a nail.. they have to find a board to hammer it into.
That's why second and third opinions are important.
Surgeons have necessary talents, but handing them a patient is like giving a Carpenter a nail.. they have to find a board to hammer it into.
I told the wife that the surgeon had his salesman hat on the day we saw him.

Had you seen yet another Evergeen cargo ship runs aground? What's up with them?
Heard that on the radio this morning - but being the dumbed down 'slow' news they provided no details other than say that ironicly this one is name Everforward or something like that.
Just thought of this little change to American lives should they remain on DST all year. All your kids and gran kids will be going to school in the dark through 4 months of the year.
Or the schools could change their schedules.
Wasn't it Thoreau who had an essay on people becoming slaves to the train schedule. I think he was on to something.
My head just exploded.
Haha speaking of explosions. Walmart distribution center in Indianapolis, something like 2 million sq ft building, engulfed in a massive fire. Big enough ash is landing 50 miles east of Indy. And they’re having to divert airlines.
Just thought of this little change to American lives should they remain on DST all year. All your kids and gran kids will be going to school in the dark through 4 months of the year.
Mine already do even with the fall back
Haha speaking of explosions. Walmart distribution center in Indianapolis, something like 2 million sq ft building, engulfed in a massive fire. Big enough ash is landing 50 miles east of Indy. And they’re having to divert airlines.

:eek::eek::eek::eek: That's going to make some insurance company very unhappy.
Haha speaking of explosions. Walmart distribution center in Indianapolis, something like 2 million sq ft building, engulfed in a massive fire. Big enough ash is landing 50 miles east of Indy. And they’re having to divert airlines.

Doesn't look like their building fire suppression was very helpful.
Heard that on the radio this morning - but being the dumbed down 'slow' news they provided no details other than say that ironicly this one is name Everforward or something like that.

Hah.... yeah, the first story I read was hilarious... the reporter asked who the ship owner was and the Coastie pointed to the GIGANTIC word "EVERGREEN" painted along the hull. At 400 meters in length, those are pretty big letters.

They talk about environmental hazard and pollution... there's a lot of encapsulated nastiness in the Chesapeake sea bed. Churning up the water to try and dislodge the ship would create a real mess...

Oyster beds, blue crab and rockfish (striped bass)
Black powder flinties....:thumbsup:
yep! I we put about 26 rounds through the bess including 4 buck and ball. Marc shot about a little over half dozen cartridges through his Charleville and then tried see where his jeager rifle was hitting. That's what the bullseye target was for.

I was shooting left lane and was initially low as you can see here.
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