Stop in for a cup of coffee


Morning morning it's a Friday for all you working stiffs. Time for some java!!

So what is it this morning where is everyone???
Stayed up late watching March Madness??
To much green stuff last night??
Sleeping in??
Just plain lazy this morning??
2 1/2 hours of tennis and putting the shelving up all afternoon yesterday I'm moving a little slow this morning.
I think I'll assign myself some menial tasks today and take it easy.
-5. Not bad. Fitting and trimming panel today. Also need to add metal as it doesent cover enough by the trunk drop.
I may hold off on welding it in until tail panel arrives.
2 1/2 hours of tennis and putting the shelving up all afternoon yesterday I'm moving a little slow this morning.
I think I'll assign myself some menial tasks today and take it easy.
I kinda feel like that too. May make it a light work day as i been pushing myself all week.
Good Morning Everyone. Rain/sleet/snow - ish outside for the drive in. Short couple hours at work, then an errand or two and then heading up Nort to spend the weekend with my Mom. Should be a good time, will be very messy snow/rain/mud with all the melt. They still had 3 feet of snow a week or so ago.

No Green stuff here. Beer is supposed to stay black.