Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning Everyone. Rain/sleet/snow - ish outside for the drive in. Short couple hours at work, then an errand or two and then heading up Nort to spend the weekend with my Mom. Should be a good time, will be very messy snow/rain/mud with all the melt. They still had 3 feet of snow a week or so ago.

Cool visit. Be safe out there

No Green stuff here. Beer is supposed to stay black.

EXACTLY :thumbsup:

I've got a reprint version... be nice to find an inexpensive original body manual. The repro I have does not have very high quality print and images

So I have a guy stopping by o run up a 70 440-6 distributor this am from NJ. Talked to him yesterday sounds like a fast look over lube. So he asked if $800 was enough to bring. Man I almost fell over. I should have told him to double that!:rofl: Prob around 200 or so Maybe!
I go in May to the VA checkup. Man I have a new doctor and she is hot with a mask on. Can be interesting to see what pops up!
I go in May to the VA checkup. Man I have a new doctor and she is hot with a mask on. Can be interesting to see what pops up!
Next week is the civilian doctor. I have to go every year or so to stay on his patient list. Always good to have if hospitalization is needed. I'm not going to our local or regional VA they don't have a great patient/survival ratio. Next month I have the yearly VA.
I have to go every six months. Just the how the meds doing, any thing new, what you been up to. Kind of a PIA actually. But also scheduled another optometry appointment. Hell I will take free glasses!
I have not been in well over two years. But I need to go in and get my shoulder cleaned up before I officially retire. Hoping for a little scope and scrape only. In our glorious health care system I cannot just go to doc and get MRI scheduled, this is first step.
So I have a guy stopping by o run up a 70 440-6 distributor this am from NJ. Talked to him yesterday sounds like a fast look over lube. So he asked if $800 was enough to bring. Man I almost fell over. I should have told him to double that!:rofl: Prob around 200 or so Maybe!
Will make his day if its only $200!
Dr’s appt used to be every 3 months, blood tests for the meds im taking. I dropped cholesterol meds, thinkibg thats what causing the muscle issues in my legs. May be tapering off slightly. Now its just a phone call and blood work every 6 months.
Lost power the other night around midnight, started generator which is in it's new shed. At 0330 I woke up and could see power was on, went out to shut it down. Output fan had failed and was melted, whole enclosure was hot, could have burned down the shop. I tested this set up, not sure what happened, two Lasko fans, plastic grate and blade, maybe need to get all metal or run exhaust out of container with RV pipe extension.