Stop in for a cup of coffee

I think my wieght loss, when in VN is attributed to eating better food. Usually lose around 10 lbs or so after I been here for a month. Here. She is picking (rau) or veggies, herbs,spices, lettuce from our gardens....
Ok that is just plain wrong. Not often I actually laugh out loud but that made me mutter and sputter! I mean you can’t unsee that right? Jodi made me show her that one! Holy smokes that is worse than thong Thursday by the pool
Hey we might not meet the BMI standard, but we aren't "that guy". :D
Here ya go Mitch, a little “ merica” brekkie. Diced ribeye to make hash, mixed with fried taters and onions, plus garlic from the garden. And poached eggs! No toast, we are trying to eat healthier don’t ya know. Jodi wanted hash this morning after all that time in hotel eating “free” morning chow.

Here ya go Mitch, a little “ merica” brekkie. Diced ribeye to make hash, mixed with fried taters and onions, plus garlic from the garden. And poached eggs! No toast, we are trying to eat healthier don’t ya know. Jodi wanted hash this morning after all that time in hotel eating “free” morning chow.

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What's in the pot gravy??
Morning or evening, more melting on the way then more snow Sunday - Tuesday. I might need to start playing with crypto.
Getting tired of parts not fitting. Bought some Billet brackets for the power steering and alternator made for a 360. Dang pullies don't line up.
Well I almost back to the land of the living. Got real sick. Food poisoning... Still not great....rough night..