Stop in for a cup of coffee

I think Al Gore was behind it since the proved he did not invent it. Morning Keith.
Like your 4 door Kazoom. Great wheels on it.
Hops....I do agree that a roof rack would fit your motiff. I wasn't just being social. You saw what I drive as an daily beater. Ha...Tikey will drive anything! Here is what happened yesterday. On to next be continued.
I could pick it up for you if it is closer here. Ask TMM about them he is our expert he is probably laughing at us right now.

Must be talking about compressors. The Campbell's aren't bad compressors. If you need one and the smaller one will fit your needs then it's a good choice. They are a big name as is TSC stores so if there is a problem you have service behind the sale. The smaller compressors don't maintain a lot of air but can run a 1/2" impact or a small die grinder for a time.
All right another more door guy. Dart liked mine or was being social and agreed it needs a roof rack!

the closest i have ever come to a more door, but unfortunately its a parts car because there is no title on it and the glass was busted out so the interior is trash. otherwise could have been a builder, it ran before i pulled the slant six out


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You cant blame it on me you only had one here but I was wondering when you yelled HOPS WATCH THIS!
Must be talking about compressors. The Campbell's aren't bad compressors. If you need one and the smaller one will fit your needs then it's a good choice. They are a big name as is TSC stores so if there is a problem you have service behind the sale. The smaller compressors don't maintain a lot of air but can run a 1/2" impact or a small die grinder for a time.

I have one of these because I needed one on a Sunday to finish the body work on my car. For the amount I use it it fills my needs. Dart saw it and asked me about it the other day.
A local garage down the road (5 miles) had a 98 dodge van he sold me for $150. So we decided to drag it home yesterday. No motor and shield all off. I am driving the van while my buddy is towing me. about a mile down the road the tourque converter starts to make a noise. The transmission is hanging on wires but I can see the road right at my feet. I can't get my buddy stopped! And the noise is getting stronger and stronger and I am thinking....the TC is going to spin right out of there. About that time it flew off and went straight up! It hit the floor on the Passenger side then bounced around and finally went out the bottom. He finally stopped! He came back laughing. I said laugh you SOB I was waving to stop! I thought for a moment I didn't get electrocuted just to have my leg taken off by a rogue TC!
Must be talking about compressors. The Campbell's aren't bad compressors. If you need one and the smaller one will fit your needs then it's a good choice. They are a big name as is TSC stores so if there is a problem you have service behind the sale. The smaller compressors don't maintain a lot of air but can run a 1/2" impact or a small die grinder for a time.

I have a little one but it struggles to get up to pressure anymore. And I like a portable one because my friends joke that my toolbox starts at the end of my driveway.
I didn't look at the specs real close I was being rushed but it gave me something to look at. The thing is I do have a TSC here in my town and the closest HF is 58 miles away.
I bought it basically for the air tank but after a year it is still working fine. I might run it 4 hours a week though. Not to many choices around here, HF, TS, sears and grainger are the local ones. I do get some stuff at HF but if I have to put a life on it I spend the money. There small parts assortment like heat shrink, hitch pins etc are a good deal I think.
I am using a little compressor these days ....porter cable brand ?? because my craftsman compressor is dying a painful slow death at 12 years old.

the porter cable charges up with air real fast but has to kick on when running the 1/2 impact.
That's funny, did he speed up while you were waving?

And we didn't even have a drink! We do get ourselves into a lot of things. I have a laugh or two every day. I don't know if you noticed Hops but I am told I laugh alot and seem to have fun no matter what I do.
Mike one other thing I kind of like are the cheap thow away wrenches and socket. Good enough to put in the trunk for an emergency, and have a lifetime warranty also for some reason.
They had a Porter Cable there that was the same basically. Which would be the better one TMM
And we didn't even have a drink! We do get ourselves into a lot of things. I have a laugh or two every day. I don't know if you noticed Hops but I am told I laugh alot and seem to have fun no matter what I do.

I just figured you were special that's all.
Just checking you are in the loaner zone here. We could meet at adult world where my ex hop picker works! Lol I wonder if she takes yom's for tips. (you owe me)
Must be talking about compressors. The Campbell's aren't bad compressors. If you need one and the smaller one will fit your needs then it's a good choice. They are a big name as is TSC stores so if there is a problem you have service behind the sale. The smaller compressors don't maintain a lot of air but can run a 1/2" impact or a small die grinder for a time.

I found a used Campbell on CL several years ago. Only 2hp 11gal, runs low on air pretty quick, but has gotten me through a lot of work.
The one I have now is good for impact tools but plug in a DA and get the ear plugs ready.
Thanks guys and gal... I luv my 4 door, gets me where I want to go and sure gets alot a looks... have to go and get busy, have a nice day everyone.
breaker vs GFI
Breakers (or fuses) are for a high current draw. They can open if the draw is between conductors or to ground
GFI's catch 'leaks'. They basically compare the power on both legs and will fail if not equal. The common reason for this is wet locations where a small current finds its way to a ground. They have a test switch that simulates this.
unfortunately neither can catch a bad connection. In this situation the amps are not any higher than normal so the breaker wont trip and unless the burn creates a path to ground the GFI wont see it.
Both can become less effective over time. If they are tripping when there is no problem they may be defective.

The burn in DNA's outlet looks like it may have started inside. The hole where the plug goes in is burnt. I would guess that the piece that engages the plug blade was loose. If you have plugs that dont hold tight in the socket this is what eventually can happen...