Stop in for a cup of coffee

The fact of the matter is the Vietnamese people are rather scatterbrained. They never put stuff back where they find it. They forget things a lot. And they have attention deficit. They can only concentrate on one thing at a time. For instance if someone is looking at their phone and you ask them a question they don't even hear you. LOL
Thats me too. But its more or less not caring what the wife is saying. (Dont tell her)
A few pics from tonight.









Just getting into a 45 minute ride... then giving a friend a hand with a walk through on a house they just bought. Develop a project list and prioritize, that sorta thing.

How's you and the gang?
Chins daughter had to go to the hospital yesterday to get her ears checked out she had an ear infection and now she has a cyst on the outside of one of her ears. Today they are lancing it. She is still there. We'll go pick her up later. I was at the hospital today before they did the operation. Hospitals in Vietnam aren't anything like hospitals in America as you can imagine. They all look quite institutionalized. And not very full of patients.
They have socialized medicine there Mitch? Or private insurance?
It's a combination of both but those who can't afford insurance use the socialized version. Which is not all that expensive. And most of the time they have to pay usually around 2 or 3 million dong which is between 100 and $140 USD