Stop in for a cup of coffee

:rofl::rofl::rofl:Someone complain about not getting enough grease in those bearings last time the shop packed them?
"I'll show this guy!" :rofl::rofl:
When I first checked my brakes on my 5th wheel, just like this....All 4 wheels.....Bearing buddy greased.....
Sorta like the bearings at the rock farm. You get a habit of greasing the plant every Monday for instance and stay on schedule.
That roller has a 2 1/2" shaft so it gets 10 pumps, that one gets 5 pumps and so on. Many of them have hoses or guards between the greasing point and bearing and you can't see when you blew the seals out by over greasing and then you have to grease the crap out of them :rofl:
Thanks for double checking me :thumbsup:

I had to do some work on that area to get booster to fit. I used stock 273 valve covers and they would not clear the valve gear. So I used 3/8 inch spacers. Then no room. Had to raise the entire assembly 1/4 inch. Made a difference...
Some more progress.just so it doesent look so crusty. Owner did the scrubbing, hes not real particular.