Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's a great show. Trav is driving his car and I will give him rides from the event to the motel as needed Thursday night and Friday until his other friend arrives. We will drive up and home together. We have a couple liquor stores lined up for the trip home. It should be a great weekend. Now, what to bring for Bourbon! LOL

72 Satellite Sebring Plus. Unrestored original his Dad bought. His Mom picked this one out.

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That's a nice car.
Had to go find a new place to wash the car today. My usual place didn't have anybody working there today to wash the car. $6 USD..
Well, winding down for the day. Tomorrow ill get back on track. Putting this covid behind me, again!!!
Morning guys...

They lowered the forecast high by 2 degrees. 89 now. The evening sun shines right into the garage bays. It got a little warm in there yesterday. I may hang a window A/C unit to take the edge off.

Had a thought strike me this morning that woke me up.
I need to get the exhaust installed BEFORE the master cylinder and booster go in otherwise I'll never be able to get at the header bolts to reattach the exhaust pipe :eek:. Glad I didn't get any further along than I did. I'll pull the booster to adjust the shaft length and set it aside.

Damn paying job gets in the way of my project

Hey Hop.

How's things up in the Commonwealth?
Pretty common. We have a nieces husband on the wifes side die from a disease, no idea wht not Covid, two days ago I never even met him. Wife is all wound up about going to it. I am not just because I never know when this stuff will hit me. I think she is just going to the showing Wed with the daughter that never met him either in NY. Way it is!
Pretty common. We have a nieces husband on the wifes side die from a disease, no idea wht not Covid, two days ago I never even met him. Wife is all wound up about going to it. I am not just because I never know when this stuff will hit me. I think she is just going to the showing Wed with the daughter that never met him either in NY. Way it is!

Spent most of my childhood going to wakes and.funerals of relatives I didn't know. Big Italian and Irish families...(That's your Uncle. Gino's brother's sister's nephew....)
Her side is mostly Italian. Big family 7 brothers and sisters. 30 year spread and she is the youngest.
Have you noticed all the complainers about the new software over at FBBO? There's even a complaint thread here about it. Most of the bitchers get it all for free and they still complain.:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::mob::mad: