Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning All! Got the heater box out but not w/o twisting another stud. Thought I had already removed the "hard to get to one", nope.
Another hot one today... but still getting into the low 60s at night so that makes it not so bad.

Rear flex brake line arrived yesterday from inline. Get that wrapped today and pull the Booster out hopefully.

Need to figure out the exhaust. .030 solid wire enough to weld pipe?
Yes. Need to practice though. Hope you can tack it then remove pipe to fully weld it. Clean it if its old pipe
Any recommendations for welding this? Didn't realize that the "press studs" were slid into plastic slots. I did buy a couple 1/4 20 bolts thinking I was going to tack them in, now dunno.

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Think its going to be humid
I have seen them Army used them for bridging rivers. Has to have a crapload of torque with twin turbo sixes.
Into the fiberglass on the heaterbox itself?

The core is still in the box there, have a few bolts/clips to pull it out. The housing is all plastic, you can see the two studs I'm talking about one is on the right lower side of the core, the bent one is at the end of the control cable with the red color on it.
PC7 them back in? Or ask Ritchie at the heater box guy sure he has been through this just drop mine and Mitches name.
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Or just wel a tab to the bolt and epoxy it in.

Whatever I do the nut is in the engine bay and I want to able to tighten it down reasonably tight. May even be able to just bolt it and use a fender washer in the cab side, dunno. The wife will have to help if I do it this way, she don't love that but she'll do it lol!