Stop in for a cup of coffee

Get a secondary education. Collage trade school something. Congrats
As someone with a Bachelors Degree and A Masters Degree, I do not totally agree. Yes get some post secondary education but limit your choices to actual career producing degrees or training and pay close attention to unemployment rates within those fields.

And don’t stop at just a degree, get the certifications that go with the career field you choose. Those are more valuable than any degree by itself.

My graduating class in my Major had 11 people. Of those 11, 3 are stay at home moms, which is fine, the rest are employed as minimum wage or close to it employees and spend their time ranting about wasting money In college. Yet, I am the only one in an actual degree requiring field and in less than 7 years, I have gone from a low rent security guard to top 15 percent salary for my career. With more rungs to climb. Each wrong gets harder, but you gotta keep driving. Since that security job, I’m making over 400 percent MORE. Because I took the time to shift the gears.
Get a secondary education. Collage trade school something. Congrats
My mom has already made it clear that I am going to college. At least a certificate or some type of certification for something.
I am currently working on my engine specialist certificate. then I am going to go for shop manager classes.
I realized when I was sweeping and organizing the shop I work at, I really like cleaning up and making things run smoother. should of guessed that considering how clean and organized my box and garage are
My mom has already made it clear that I am going to college. At least a certificate or some type of certification for something.
I am currently working on my engine specialist certificate. then I am going to go for shop manager classes.
I realized when I was sweeping and organizing the shop I work at, I really like cleaning up and making things run smoother. should of guessed that considering how clean and organized my box and garage are

Project Manager :D

Friend's son went aviation mechanic trade school. He was a hard worker before and in year since getting certified he's doing extremely well, debt free and having fun
Project Manager :D

Friend's son went aviation mechanic trade school. He was a hard worker before and in year since getting certified he's doing extremely well, debt free and having fun
that's what I'm trying to do. no debt. it's odd to me that a lot of people don't realize that a vast majority of college is worthless. half of my class are going to "liberal arts" colleges. they're going to be surprised when they are flipping burgers and have 30k in debt
that's what I'm trying to do. no debt. it's odd to me that a lot of people don't realize that a vast majority of college is worthless. half of my class are going to "liberal arts" colleges. they're going to be surprised when they are flipping burgers and have 30k in debt

Return on Investment. ... $120,000 in loans for a job that pays $25,000 a year doesn't calculate
I think the employment fields that are less likely to go fully automated are the places to look into. So much of the industrial world is right on the verge of being automated now. However, so many of those hands on jobs are not as lucrative monetarily.
Return on Investment. ... $120,000 in loans for a job that pays $25,000 a year doesn't calculate
yeah. and I didn't want to get sucked into the snap on tool truck debt and all that. that's why I only buy vintage and old tools. not only are they better quality, cheap too. I probably have 1000$ worth of tools and boxes and three of everything.
My mom has already made it clear that I am going to college. At least a certificate or some type of certification for something.
I am currently working on my engine specialist certificate. then I am going to go for shop manager classes.
I realized when I was sweeping and organizing the shop I work at, I really like cleaning up and making things run smoother. should of guessed that considering how clean and organized my box and garage are
Sounds like a career in Inventory or Logitstic Management might be intriguing to you. Basically that’s what they do but on a larger scale
I think the employment fields that are less likely to go fully automated are the places to look into. So much of the industrial world is right on the verge of being automated now. However, so many of those hands on jobs are not as lucrative monetarily.
Depends on the job. Parts pickers and warehouse jobs will be replaced shortly by robots and drones. But that will create new jobs in the form of new roles to maintain and repair those robots.
that's what I'm trying to do. no debt. it's odd to me that a lot of people don't realize that a vast majority of college is worthless. half of my class are going to "liberal arts" colleges. they're going to be surprised when they are flipping burgers and have 30k in debt
Well you’re already smarter than half your class. And 90 percent of mine.

may I make another suggestion. Figure out when you want to retire and work backwards. See how much you need to save and develop a plan to do it from right now.
Could you set the Fargo on a modern Dakota chassis
I could. Fits nice on s-10 chassis too, which i have. But i bought this car to build another truck, and it would drive nicer.
It seems a better decision, save the s-10 for a 49 5 window chevy build,and i would have a decent chassis for a 2nd fargo build, that i plan to sell.
Well you’re already smarter than half your class. And 90 percent of mine.

may I make another suggestion. Figure out when you want to retire and work backwards. See how much you need to save and develop a plan to do it from right now.
well I want to retire at 45ish. I've already started investing and putting some away, and eventually I want to just live off investments. so that's why I want to be in a managerial position because more money for less work(generally) and my hobby won't be my job
When I was single, and working construction as a concrete finisher, after 8 years there i moved forward and was a labor formen.. equipment operator... I never spent quarters, saved all of them for over 4 years, I took 5 large containers to the bank, opened up a savings account that was high interest as long as I never took any out, I had over 700 dollars in quarters, surprised me, that account was never pulled till 1982, I always put 10 dollars a week in it for about 3 years, if I remember right I had 3 grand saved and needed ever bit of it , my first son was born during a resection..resestion.. it payed the hospital and dr off.. it's crazy to thing what a few dollars weekly will do for a young 22 year old new father.
Thanks RRR... I'm just cleaning up and repairing what was set up in the car when I bought it.
Duals sound cool, no doubt. I've heard some inlines that really sound like a V8 at idle. Vixen does with single, but she's got a little more motor than stock.
Diesel mechanic has a good far as wrench turning goes. Very technical...good paying
well I want to retire at 45ish. I've already started investing and putting some away, and eventually I want to just live off investments. so that's why I want to be in a managerial position because more money for less work(generally) and my hobby won't be my job
I hate to tell you this, but as a manager, I work 10 times harder behind the scenes did I did before being one. Just because you don’t see the manager all the time, doesn’t mean they work less. Quite often they’re doing things you will never see, usually before or after you’re off the clock
I went from 40 hours a week,paid hourly with about 30 percent of my day free waiting on reviews to a salaried position, working 50-60 hours a week and with no down time no waiting on reviews, and still not making a dent in the backlog of assignments despite being 33 percent more efficient than my predecessor. Plus even when I’m “off the clock” I’m not as I have to respond to people all over the globe .
Diesel mechanic has a good far as wrench turning goes. Very technical...good paying
Probably location dependent. Around here, a diesel mechanic working for a commercial trucking place is gonna be lucky to break 15 an hour starting. That’s a very popular training field for high school kids going into the various tech schools around. More graduates than there are jobs.
well I want to retire at 45ish. I've already started investing and putting some away, and eventually I want to just live off investments. so that's why I want to be in a managerial position because more money for less work(generally) and my hobby won't be my job

Be mobile. Go where the work is.

Have fun
Yee haw!! Premium just broke 6 dollars a gallon !!! Whoo :bs_flag:
Be mobile. Go where the work is.

Have fun

Did that in the beginning. Freeway jobs, flood control jobs, finally a NASA job brought me up here to VAFB 1980. Been here ever since. :D Of course it helped that I found a job with a signatory outfit here in the area at the end of the VAFB job. The day before I went to the new employer, my old employer called with a job for me at a lovely place called Fort Irwin Ca. It took me 25 years to get outa the desert, I damm sure wasn't goin' back to it :rofl: even for a little more money :rofl: