Stop in for a cup of coffee

Naw. It's.....................Humpday!


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can you believe I got the wheel covers in the mail yesterday from Mr. memike from the benefit auction I didn't think much of it and figured I would put them on the wall. I had never actually seen wheel covers like that on a car before.

So no more than a few hours after that I had a friend show up and said he found a 68 satellite that I have to go check out.

So I went with him to go see the car and the first thing that jumps at me is the satellite has the same wheel covers and there are only missing.

freaky stuff.
:D Good morning , that is freaky, I have never seen a GTX or Satelite in person with them on, just in magazines.
I've got some of these wheel covers. Original to my GTS


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Wow Wednesday already. Seems like time flies when you get older. At least the feeling will not last long.
I've got some of these wheel covers. Original to my GTS

now those are sweet ...I would like to find a set of those for my 68 dart but they are usually big $$$

I have a set on my 70 swinger but they look a little different than the 68
Friday is Fish day here :glasses7:

oh .....I think its fish Wednesday because this weekend on the second day after Friday is a holiday for Mr. Jesus sir so I think that is why the fish is on today....or something
Is that one of those anti roll thingies? A friend of mine put one in a pinto and swore by it. Did not help if he got rear-ended into a ball of fire though.


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Mitch, What is that box in the trunk?

It is an old school traction devise , used in the 50's and 60's mostly on Police cars and emergency vehicles. I'ts a mechanical devise with a heavy weight ( 60lbs ) suspended on springs. Apparently the inertia from the car sliding one way, sends the weight the other way to counteract the slide. Don't know if it really works or not. I might put it back in after I do the trunk area. It is heavy though, I am curious as to its performance.


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oh .....I think its fish Wednesday because this weekend on the second day after Friday is a holiday for Mr. Jesus sir so I think that is why the fish is on today....or something

Thank you RDA :coffee2: Did not know this :glasses7:
We always put the over weight person in the back. That is kind of cool to have though.
I have to take a pic of them. They are the factory dart delux wheel covers. The center is the body color. 14" and I cannot use them. I have to go to the shop for a min I will shoot a picture.

I love OE wheel covers ....I have seen people toss them and I don't get it.

I like the ones on my 69 dart ...probably my favorite ones ....68 and 9 dodge


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Good morning all. Off today and I just got in after taking our Westie, Sammy out for a nice long walk. Now I am enjoying my first cup of the day. Beautiful day today in Toronto, sunny but cool. Love it. These last two days being home like this makes me wish I could do this all the time. Very tired of the rat race.

here you go Rani


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