Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Salty Saturday!

Good morning :D:steering::realcrazy:
Sky news actually was saying some utility companies were locking out the thermostts on some homes.
BBC spin off I believe. I like it it has a "outside" view of the news. All they had in Ireland on TV that was not in Galic.
My furnace still uses a thermostat with a mercury switch!
Sky news actually was saying some utility companies were locking out the thermostts on some homes.

NWS said 124° at Furnace Creek in Death Valley yesterday. Saw a news photo allegedly took in Death Valley of an electronic thermometer in somebody's yard that showed 127° Blistering 77° here and it didn't last long.
So California wants To move away from fossil fuels in homes. All electricity. Then no more gas powered cars. Then they tell you not to run your appliances when it's hot. I have solar that will power my entire load with excess to the grid. But they still are threatening to shut off power if needed....screw them...
So California wants To move away from fossil fuels in homes. All electricity. Then no more gas powered cars. Then they tell you not to run your appliances when it's hot. I have solar that will power my entire load with excess to the grid. But they still are threatening to shut off power if needed....screw them...

Can't help but wonder how those fire fighting EVs will perform during fire season
and that necessary electric powered construction equipment for flooding.
Newsflash........Woods on fire at a farm in Indiana!:rofl:
No… but but the house at the farm got hit by lightning. Blew out the AC and the thermostat, smoked the wires.

but I wasn’t there !

So far my weekend plans got shot. I rented a deforester for the front of my skid steer, showed up yesterday to find out they wanted an additional 3500 bucks and tried to make me rent their skid steer with all this special crap added to it. Said it was a requirement for the deforested. So instead, I ended up with a brush cutter , which is what pissed the wife off. She wanted the deforester…

but yeah, this is what I’m doing

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Why are you defrosting in the summer when it's warm out???