Stop in for a cup of coffee

If you buy imperial. The quality is great but order via their eBay outlet. If you try any other way, your lead time is stupid long and some times, they never ship them. But they are in much greater quality than anyone else

Thanks Chris. As you know, trying to find the "Right" things for these 64 pushbuttons is dicey....
I found this chart that rates apples from sweet to tart in case anyone is interested in it:

View attachment 1715981699
But they didn't include Roxbury Russet or Newtown Pippin! ??
Or the latest late season wonder, Gold Rush.

Glad I took off work today. Been a while, but from what I recall my arm was pretty sore last time I had this done. Well today she did a lot more on each finger than I remember. And now my hand feels kinda like it got smashed in a door. :eek: Not wasting the day though. Vacuumed the Mazda out and power rinsed both it and the duster. Blew out a small wasp nest from back bumper area and a few were flying. So didn’t waste any time getting out of there. LOL
Now sitting outside beer store waiting for a shower to pass…​
Started on cobbling the metal roofing onto one shed. Its leaking pretty bad.
I posted on Drinking thread the other day... I got a 12 pack of Genny Octoberfest Saturday. Tasted like seltzer water. Did the unthinkable for the second time in my life and poured beer down the drain.:eek: (not counting skunked or party leftovers) It was just that bad. Tried 3 different times, but just couldn't drink it. :(
ewwwww. Sounds bad. I tend to stay with Samuel Adams when going to Octoberfest. So far, I've not had a bad Samuel Adams beer.......but I do stay away from any kind of IPA. They're all nasty.
ewwwww. Sounds bad. I tend to stay with Samuel Adams when going to Octoberfest. So far, I've not had a bad Samuel Adams beer.......but I do stay away from any kind of IPA. They're all nasty.


Have you seen the spoof Sam Adams "commercial" that Bill Burr did on SNL?
ewwwww. Sounds bad. I tend to stay with Samuel Adams when going to Octoberfest. So far, I've not had a bad Samuel Adams beer.......but I do stay away from any kind of IPA. They're all nasty.
This is the Octoberfest I enjoy. I had better get to brewing for this year's batch. I don't want Novemberfest. LOL

2018 Octoberfest.jpg
Well another long day, I just got off the tractor. After hanging the door on the pump house I pulled some romex and wired in 1/2 dozen 110 outlets. Then jumped on tractor and spread right at 120 tons of gravel. That is six dump trucks for you non farm type folks! I am whipped. Rinse and repeat tomorrow! Craig’s advice kept going thru my head!
Well another long day, I just got off the tractor. After hanging the door on the pump house I pulled some romex and wired in 1/2 dozen 110 outlets. Then jumped on tractor and spread right at 120 tons of gravel. That is six dump trucks for you non farm type folks! I am whipped. Rinse and repeat tomorrow! Craig’s advice kept going thru my head!
Make the call, write the check?
I got some of the things done I needed today. Got to the carrier swap on the Ford 9" and noticed I ordered the wrong bearings. I somehow miraculously got the smaller pair off without damage the other carrier as they're new as well. That rarely happens. It was because I had the help of a better than good woman. Hopefully tomorrow, we can get it all back together.
Well another long day, I just got off the tractor. After hanging the door on the pump house I pulled some romex and wired in 1/2 dozen 110 outlets. Then jumped on tractor and spread right at 120 tons of gravel. That is six dump trucks for you non farm type folks! I am whipped. Rinse and repeat tomorrow! Craig’s advice kept going thru my head!

Only easy day was yesterday....
ewwwww. Sounds bad. I tend to stay with Samuel Adams when going to Octoberfest. So far, I've not had a bad Samuel Adams beer.......but I do stay away from any kind of IPA. They're all nasty.
I would have agreed prior to this summer. But recently made it a point to try a buch of IPAs. There is a huge variety of taste in them. Found a bunch I liked. And a few that were as appealing as paint thinner. As for Octoberfests. SA is a good one. But until now I hadn’t found a bad one! I think my favorite that I tried so far this year is Great Lakes
1/2 the shed roof almost done. Then car club meeting. Near end of meeting, “Frank, we are coming to tour your shop now”
Ok. It’s a mess though. They seemed impressed with the junk collection. Was a good evening. Now i will be pushing for everyone else to open their doors. I set the baseline for shop clutter though..i probably win.