Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning! I need to get caught up here but was thinking, isn't it interesting that the thread giving Hot Mopar Babes a run for it's money in size is a thread of old men and one young lady drinking coffee!

The lady does not drink coffee either. Little slow this morning guys. Reading Karls post made me tired.
Are you into that alternative crop? IF that all happens would you change your name to Halifax High Hops? LOL can I volunteer to be a guard? I do have some experience you know.
That all depends if the legislature passes, I think it is a a go from all I have read and seen. The licensing process is what would be interesting. I am sure I would pas the checks. I had a guy stop by twice here in a rolls asking if I was interested in doing it and I think he is involved with it in other states and does the legal side of it. You meet the strangest people while drinking on a tractor. Dart I could use you in the advertising! LOL
Good Morning! I need to get caught up here but was thinking, isn't it interesting that the thread giving Hot Mopar Babes a run for it's money in size is a thread of old men and one young lady drinking coffee!

Good morning,
Interesting, but not entirely accurate..
The Jedi Server Master did a reboot on that thread when it exeeded a gazillion posts.
I know, it is now Hot Mopar Babes II, but if you look with current threads we are headed there with this one.

Mornin Keith!
Halifax Hemp and Hops LLC. I can see it now Attack sheep branded HHH in between the fences! LOL I have had a sheep here that was my daughters and it was like a dog and went everywhere with you. Great as a weed and feed in the field also. One of the neighbors has it now in a herd at his place across the street.
Halifax Hemp and Hops LLC. I see you have given this some thought/ I may have to get the old potato patch dug up!

Well time to go. I think I will take the bike to work this morning.
Halifax Hemp and Hops LLC. I can see it now Attack sheep branded HHH in between the fences! LOL I have had a sheep here that was my daughters and it was like a dog and went everywhere with you. Great as a weed and feed in the field also. One of the neighbors has it now in a herd at his place across the street.

As long as they don't eat the wrong weeds. Wonder what a stoned sheep would do? LOL
I gave her some old super sugar puffs one day and she went psyco like on speed it was funny until se went through the wire and all over the place. I thought her heart would explode.
Front brake job on a 07 Escape and tie rods today. My customer will be here at 9 am . Then I will drive her to the local senior center, repair her vehicle and pick her up when I am done.
I think I will lower all the trellis wires today to get the remains of last years hop strings off and straighten all the poles back to almost vertical. I need to get some gravel and pack it around each pole. Should be a t shirt and beer cooler day out there!
Front brake job on a 07 Escape and tie rods today. My customer will be here at 9 am . Then I will drive her to the local senior center, repair her vehicle and pick her up when I am done.
That is what I call service :glasses7:

Also have a funeral viewing today at 2pm. Busy day.
Better then looking for work I always say :D sounds like a full day ahead of you Mich :glasses7:

Hey Memi!
Good morning Ray Sr. :glasses7: another morning of therapy for me, all is good :)
We had an earth quake here early this morning, 4.0 while I was sleeping, they are saying Blytheville just 40 miles away was the center of it..slept threw it myself
I have been to a few Quick ones in HI when the lava shelf's collapsed but they are like 1 second long. I do not think I would like to be in a real one though. Any damage?