Stop in for a cup of coffee

We had an earth quake here early this morning, 4.0 while I was sleeping, they are saying Blytheville just 40 miles away was the center of it..slept threw it myself

Dam, I'm glad that I'm not there after that...
Dam, I'm glad that I'm not there after that...
I am waiting to see what the news has to say on damage this morning Karl, but on the bright side of things :coffee2: I am glad I woke up this fine day :D
Well, you can get **** anywhere on the net... :pale:

Good friends like us are hard to find.... :D

Good Morning! I need to get caught up here but was thinking, isn't it interesting that the thread giving Hot Mopar Babes a run for it's money in size is a thread of old men and one young lady drinking coffee!

LOL It's all about what's more important lifelong friends or a picture of a cool car and pretty girl.
Good morning, all. Final swigs of lukewarm coffee, time to get moving.

I was checking out an astrology site for wisdom for April. It talked about when something is in progress, we feel uncomfortable not knowing how it's all going to turn out. But the not knowing is a fact of life so just roll with it.

Also it said not to jump to quick decisions. Have a great day y'all!
Doesn't two beers per hour usually come out at about 2-3 pees per hour???

You don't drink it, you just "borrow" it for a half hour....

And just remember....don't take a wizz....leave one! lol
Doesn't two beers per hour usually come out at about 2-3 pees per hour???

You don't drink it, you just "borrow" it for a half hour....

Used to be able to drink 6 or so before needing to go. After I went the first time it was every 15-20 minutes thereafter. Got to be very annoying.

Much younger then. The 6 was only a start. Nowadays 6 is almost enough to put me out.


Well I'm up and the garbage is out. We just had a good rain storm blow through, now it's the calm after the storm...

Hopefully it will clear up for the rest of the day...

My GD&T teacher had a company ask him if he knew of anybody that can use AutoCAD2015. It's a company real close and they are looking for some CAD designers. I just sent in my resume to see if I can get some work... They make conveyor systems for packaging etc...
Used to be able to drink 6 or so before needing to go. After I went the first time it was every 15-20 minutes thereafter. Got to be very annoying.

Much younger then. The 6 was only a start. Nowadays 6 is almost enough to put me out.



Yep, I notice that also. You have to hold your first pee when you start drinking, after that it keeps flowing.... :banghead:

You can never hold out for the others as long as you can the first.... :wack:
I am waiting to see what the news has to say on damage this morning Karl, but on the bright side of things :coffee2: I am glad I woke up this fine day :D

Blytheville is sitting on a big fault. One of the largest quakes happened there a long time ago.

I remember when I was there, they were predicting a "big one" right around Christmas time. People were so worried and getting out of town, they had to close the factory for two days as they were afraid that enough people wouldn't show up for work, so we got two days off. :???:

I took my formula S up to Chicago JIC.... :color:
I am glad I don't live in the flat lands full of sand, they say when the big one hits many homes will just sink in the ground #-o
they don't all need to be Barrett Jackson shiny dimes.

In fact I am to a point in the hobby where I prefer car that are a little rough around the edges. You should see my 68 dart up close, not really anything but I like it just the way it is.

If you ever watch CARS 2, it makes you appreciate them the way they are. When Mater didn't want to remove his dents because he said they are good memories.:)

I agree completely. Im not going for show car here. I prefer the survivor look. Unfortunately it was too far gone to not fix. So, I am going for original appearance. (Including the hub caps O:)) If I could have a '75 that looked like it did around 1980 after 5 years of normal use, that would be ideal. Not interested in running a buffer every weekend.. Might go with base / clear on the paint, just because it is metallic, and I have read that today's single just doesn't do well for metallic. Although I did use 2 coats single in the bay and it's not bad. So, would probably need 3 coats, but I will have more coats than that with B/ C anyway. This is a DIY driveway job all the way.
I am glad I don't live in the flat lands full of sand, they say when the big one hits many homes will just sink in the ground #-o

The big one that hit there way back when swallowed a town and made the river flow backward for 3 days.... :banghead:

That's why everyone was so scared when they predicted "the bad one" when I was there and many skipped town....
I agree completely. Im not going for show car here. I prefer the survivor look. Unfortunately it was too far gone to not fix. So, I am going for original appearance. (Including the hub caps O:)) If I could have a '75 that looked like it did around 1980 after 5 years of normal use, that would be ideal. Not interested in running a buffer every weekend.. Might go with base / clear on the paint, just because it is metallic, and I have read that today's single just doesn't do well for metallic. Although I did use 2 coats single in the bay and it's not bad. So, would probably need 3 coats, but I will have more coats than that with B/ C anyway. This is a DIY driveway job all the way.

I like the Idea. If it is on the road bring it up here and use the shop one weekend to spray it if you want to keep the dust down. Lesson learned from the b/cc The clear coat needs a larger orifice to spray well and not get the orange peel. Yes mine has considerable parasitic drag!
You said hubcaps,I do to, that's funny!
The big one that hit there way back when swallowed a town and made the river flow backward for 3 days.... :banghead:

That's why everyone was so scared when they predicted "the bad one" when I was there and many skipped town....

Thats when Real Foot lake was formed, and the Mississippi river ran backwards to fill it up.
Just got back from seeing 7 Fast 7 Furious...

I was disappointed, too much hollywood for me...

I won't get into details as I don't want to ruin it for those who want to see it. Pretty much the same old action movie theme that they have been doing for the last 3 movies...
Good Morning Mitch
I was hoping to get to see it this weekend, No good huh?
Everyone seems to get on later in the morning anymore. I usually have to leave for work by the time everyone is here.
I saw they found "your buddy" floating off shore there for the last 60 some days. Wow!
I'm usually up and around no later than 6:30. Some times I don't jump right on here. Mornings are my time to check all things on the net.