Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning guys. I hope all is well. Raining here. They were calling for 4-5" of snow. Forecast now says rain and wind, but still 5+". So, is there thought to switch to snow later or ?? Cuz that much rain will be trouble. Must be nice to kinda, sometimes, be partially right in your job.
I figure the upper part of the driveway will be solid ice as usual. Does not really get any sun either.
It's Willys Wednesday!


Good morning :D
When we were in N Iraq we had a BTR-60 come to us. We had nothing at all to hit it with except a m209. Scared the **** out of us then noticed a small Kurdish flag on it. Guy pops out of the turret with a bottle of beer and a loaf of bread. Good times there. They let us mess around with it. Think I still have a empty casing from it.
Hah! We just snagged a four wheeler yesterday as our Xmas gift to ourselves! A 2002 Honda Rubicon Foreman. Super low miles, it was the local utility companies but the staff did not like to ride it because they were required to wear helmets!
Hah! We just snagged a four wheeler yesterday as our Xmas gift to ourselves! A 2002 Honda Rubicon Foreman. Super low miles, it was the local utility companies but the staff did not like to ride it because they were required to wear helmets!
Perfect. It paid to wait for a good deal. And you know it wasn't hurt.