Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hah! We just snagged a four wheeler yesterday as our Xmas gift to ourselves! A 2002 Honda Rubicon Foreman. Super low miles, it was the local utility companies but the staff did not like to ride it because they were required to wear helmets!
I was lookin' for 2023 race track schedules last night and I ferget which track it was that was going to have "Side by Side Madness!" :lol: at the track.
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Morning fellers, cold and snow here, makes breakfast taste better. Snow and wind after I dug the wife out for work, so get to do that again. We got almost a foot.

I read the other day that whoever holds the copyrights/patents whatever the term is is sueing the excrement out Mahindra Tractors for building that 5/8 scale Jeep and selling it under their name. Mahindra has changed the looks considerably recently.
Looks like an early Land Cruiser sorta thing now :lol:
Sold my drill press. A old customer of mine want's it. And then a member here that is a couple hour drive away want's it too. :BangHead: :BangHead: :lol:
Cold out there! Ok, not like ‘Frank’ cold. But the ground is frozen solid. Which was actually a good thing. Easier to push the wheelbarrow. Filled the basement steps with firewood again before the storm hits tomorrow.
Man people are freaking out, did the X mas meal shopping. I have never seen the Giant's parking lot full before, people just getting stupid on the weather prep. She gives me a list odd stuff I never buy. Fun finding it. Then only two registered open!
Man people are freaking out, did the X mas meal shopping. I have never seen the Giant's parking lot full before, people just getting stupid on the weathe prep. She gives me a list odf stuff I never buy. Fun finding it. Then only two registered open!
Shopping is fun right now. NOT !!!!!!
Man people are freaking out, did the X mas meal shopping. I have never seen the Giant's parking lot full before, people just getting stupid on the weather prep. She gives me a list odd stuff I never buy. Fun finding it. Then only two registered open!
Mae just left to get a few things she missed the other day. LOL
Lunchtime is over. Should have cut it short. Now I'll probably still be working at sundown..
with the sun setting at 4:30, that isn't that late if it was July....
Why do people only drink milk when it snows? :realcrazy:
It’s because the average American goes to the grocery store 3 times a week.

Working the last 18 months for the leading food production machine producer has uniquely given me an insight to the food industry that I’d never seen before. Getting to sit in and talk with CEOs from major companies like Kraft, Philip Morris, Kelloggs, Smithfield, Oscar Meyer etc park as very eye opening.

But to your question, most Americans buy 1-2 days worth of food per trip to the grocery store. On average, each person in America drinks 12-18 gallons of milk per YEAR. So what happens when storms hit, they rush out to stock up based on decades old habits rooted in the old days where being snowed in for days on end was norm