Stop in for a cup of coffee

Remembe the counting beads also!
Those are on the compass lanyard but i never use them. Or rather rarely. I’m pretty darn good naturally at land nav. Especially terrain associations. So generally, I shoot a bearing and off I go, I don’t even bother counting paces most of the time. And i always find my points that way.

There are exceptions of course, like the O course in Alabama, that one I did do pace count simply because they had 4 points all with 10 meters of each other but only one is the point I needed
So I took today off, actually slept a bit last night. I have the health department and contractor coming out on site today, hoping to get our septic figured out so we can figure out if we can build our house this year
Good luck with that visit!
Thanks I’m not fully confident we’re gonna actually get to build this year but I’m getting things lined up. I still think by the time we hit our window, the odds of the recession being in full tilt will dry up lending again. The bank keeps hinting at it as well
Not a good week for sleeping for me, storm on Monday night, we lost power but I didn't get called in, was up late getting generator online but I've got that set up pretty well. Next night we had a critical circuit fail, got called for that but didn't have to work on it till morning. Last night no calls, no wind woo hoo!
Prices are seriously going up. Went to the supermarket with the wife after I met a guy to pick up a book. Kids used to love pringles. used to be $1 a tube.
Not more than a year ago now $2.29
Prices are seriously going up. Went to the supermarket with the wife after I met a guy to pick up a book. Kids used to love pringles. used to be $1 a tube.
Not more than a year ago now $2.29
I’ve gotten the wife talked into shopping at the commissary and ALDIs , prices for meat at the commissary are literally 50 percent cheaper. ALDIs handles the rest. I bet we’ll shave 40-60 percent off our bill
Easily. I do it every other month just a bit to far for weekly. Have a Karns that just opened across the river went there yesterday. Definately a better selecton of used to have hair products!
Easily. I do it every other month just a bit to far for weekly. Have a Karns that just opened across the river went there yesterday. Definately a better selecton of used to have hair products!
Ours is MUCH tinier. It’s probably about the size of a 3 car garage. But this base is also tiny in terms of active duty personnel even though it’s the largest active base in the world.
Good morning all, we have snow up to my knees with drifts up to 4ft high. My sweetie needs to be to work in two hrs. I’ll wait a hour and clear a path to road, if I can, the recent thaw has my driveway slick ice
Morning parts or food for the table hmmm I could but I guess I ought to feed the rest of the family. :lol:
Prices are seriously going up. Went to the supermarket with the wife after I met a guy to pick up a book. Kids used to love pringles. used to be $1 a tube.
Not more than a year ago now $2.29
Oh but our totally inept vice president just said yesterday prices were coming down and the economy was good. :rolleyes:
I cannot figure out that lie, but you can just mention the few things that went down. I would say overall increase for my bills, all of them is around %15
Good Morning Everyone. Snow stopped after lots of wind. Drifts were over knee high at the car this AM. Had to use ramming speed as the damn snowblower wouldn't start. It is freezing drizzle now so everthing has a crust of ice.

I saw a teaser from Dodge. Debuting at RoadKill Nights March 20, the ultimate supercharged hemi - called Runnin Hyde apparently.
Looks interesting???

I can't remember what it was called but both of my sons were in NJROTC in high school and they belonged to a club that ran races where you had to locate a gps "pin" and check into that station, then onto the next. This was a race through the woods, rough terrain etc., they'd come back pretty muddy but they loved it.
