Stop in for a cup of coffee

Saw Jefferson Starship last night, pretty good. Original member is 84 and still rocking! Wife’s snoring here in the casino room, Deja Vu
Never seen a show in this casino and it was weird. There’s a frickin bowling alley IN the auditorium!!! They were bowling too and not cheap, had monitors all over. The band commented that they had to admit it wasn’t the first time they had performed in one lol!
Fred, you should come to Southeast Asia and have that dental work done. A fraction of the cost in the USA. If you still have all of your teeth originally you can have them ground down and have porcelain caps put on all of them for under $3,600. Jus sayin
Wow thanks Mitch that is cheap. No teeth left on top and only a few on the bottom that have to come out so complete dentures and having the pins or whatever there called.
Wow thanks Mitch that is cheap. No teeth left on top and only a few on the bottom that have to come out so complete dentures and having the pins or whatever there called.
Guarantee that would still be cheaper in Asia. Just wait until you want to come here and have it done then. Lol
It's Sublime Sunday!


Good morning :lol:
Good morning everyone. My buddy was sick so didn't go to Rockford. Got groceries and just hung out. Need to get some stuff done today.