Stop in for a cup of coffee

We have that on our skid steer already. Problem is I’m caught between the health department septic stuff not letting me disturb the top soil and the need to make this safe for people to actually clear the site. All I’m allowed to do is cut trees, leaving the stumps, and mowing/raking
Morning guys I sure like reading all the posts first thing in the morning I get my morning chuckle with my coffee. :lol:
Well three hours to go and am winning that set of cabiets still. Hope I get them perfect for what I want them for.
I tell you what I am seriously slowing down took 2 hours to run a wire to two outlets in the container and just could not do a ladder yesterday at all. This is really sucking bad lately.
Just what I call it best way to describe it. It is definitely neurological prob from exposure. Hard to prove or disprove so they gave me a generic Persian Gulf Syndromes title for it.
Had it a couple times. Scary stuff if you don't know it's coming. I couldn't imagine dealing with it on a regular basis Ray.
Had it a couple times. Scary stuff if you don't know it's coming. I couldn't imagine dealing with it on a regular basis Ray.
I get these moments of loss of balance, usually on stairs or ladders. I always pay attention. I know one day its going to catch me off guard. I know its going to get me.