Stop in for a cup of coffee

I play 2+ hours every single night... i played guitar for 30 years and wish i had never touched one honestly... Drums are so much more fun and enjoyable to play. :)
50+ years later my air guitar is still strong!! I'm glad I've never gave it up. :thumbsup:
If it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck it must be a duck. What the ****. These ducks were living earlier today. But now they are on my table. Good news is, I did not have to eat the feet or any of the other **** nobody in America wants. They cut the breasts out of the duck and grilled them for me. Pretty F'n good... And of course a few beers to go with it...



If it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck it must be a duck. What the ****. These ducks were living earlier today. But now they are on my table. Good news is, I did not have to eat the feet or any of the other **** nobody in America wants. They cut the breasts out of the duck and grilled them for me. Pretty F'n good... And of course a few beers to go with it...
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Man that looks good Mitch! I like Peking duck the best, sure have to cook duck right or it's not that good.
Good Lord, they even eat the heads of the ducks here. I can hardly watch it. Lol
I did a deployment to Diego Garcia where there were Maritian "hut boys" as they were called, they were great, would do your laundry, fold it up for very little money. I caught a big Ulua or Skipjack and one of them asked me if he could fillet it up for me for free, he only wanted the head and carcass. He then invited me over to their place that night for fish head soup and Russian poker, great soup, got smashed, probably lost some money lol!
If it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck it must be a duck. What the ****. These ducks were living earlier today. But now they are on my table. Good news is, I did not have to eat the feet or any of the other **** nobody in America wants. They cut the breasts out of the duck and grilled them for me. Pretty F'n good... And of course a few beers to go with it...
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I will say this, I admire the fact they let nothing go to waste. Wish America was more like that mindset(we used to be)
The wife wants to eat Haggis and wants me to eat it too when we go to Scotland, ever look at what's in traditional Haggis? I don't do organs in general.
Some animal bits are just meant to be mulched and used for fertilizer :lol:

My great grandmother had made a bed out of duck feathers she’d plucked and saved. Was an interesting sleep, like if like sleeping on air until you rolled and got poked by a feather.

Thing was a family heirloom that got destroyed by the squatters. They used it as a dog bed…
The wife wants to eat Haggis and wants me to eat it too when we go to Scotland, ever look at what's in traditional Haggis? I don't do organs in general.
Real particular about the entrails I consume. Like Menudo, I like the stuff, but for your own good stay upwind of it when it's cooking. It smells nasty! :lol:
Real particular about the entrails I consume. Like Menudo, I like the stuff, but for your own good stay upwind of it when it's cooking. It smells nasty! :lol:
I cook some smelly stuff sometimes, boiling crab is kinda bad so I'm after the outdoor burner this spring/summer. May deep fry a turkey with it as well.