Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got one side of the F150 done. Wheel bearing actually came out without a battle. Finish it tomorrow.
Our Lucerne needs some fixin'. A heater hose nipple was rotted. I thought it was a intake gasket leak but what do I know. LOL.. Adam sent a video of the dogbone insulator is toast. You can pull the rubber out with your fingers. The serp belt is pretty checked as well. All original 2016 parts as far as I know. I need to have the steel brake and fuel lines replaced sometime. They are crusty rusty.
To expand a bit on this, the 727 pushbutton has almost entirely different internals than the pushbutton 904 that he had dumped all that money into. Also, considering the amount of problems he had with that one, I wouldn’t even think about taking any of those parts and putting in a different trans. That’s just asking for additional issues. There are a few things that would transfer over but again, risk vs reward.

A rebuild kit for the 727 is about 150-200 bucks depending on the clutches you pick. I can walk you thru it Chris, it’s not hard at all. But I would for sure not try deleting the rear pump in this one. Like I said before, very rarely has anyone successfully done it for long. And there’s really no benefit to doing so. The rear pump does eat a bit of horse power but it’s marginal at best.
The transmission in question is a 904 small block.
Just got back from physio. Acupuncture this round. 18 needles in my low back….
Do you think they realize what's going on?
